Health Bar
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Thoughts on a health bar? Squinting to see the line on my ship is not as appealing as it used to be. Just a little bar, maybe right under the energy bar, that shows amount of health per ship.
Re: Health Bar
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
Re: Health Bar
it took me a long time to figure out there was a health bar on my ship
I was just fine with remembering how many hits I took.
I was just fine with remembering how many hits I took.
Play my new level! Two different teams fight over a nexus: One mainly defends while the other attacks! is fun
Re: Health Bar
tazinator wrote:I was just fine with remembering how many hits I took.
To be clear, I'm perfectly content with keeping this in the game. But I think an additional energy bar in your HUD would be really appreciated by new users, and vets like me who want to work more on health conservation.
Re: Health Bar
It sounds simple enough to add. I'm thinking would there be an improved one for enemy ships and on the commander map too? It seems a bit frivolous for your own ship, is all.
Play my new level! Two different teams fight over a nexus: One mainly defends while the other attacks! is fun
Re: Health Bar
How about a health bar under each ship, beneath the name?
Re: Health Bar
Taz - Health of ships on commander's map, at least for your teammates, is a great idea. If I was in the "repair spirit," I could look at the commander's map and see which of my teammates needed health. Or I could check the status of a teammate with the flag to see how they were doing. Watusimoto's health bar suggestion would fit nicely here I imagine.
However, I don't think that a health bar underneath a ship on regular map would do much good, given that the problem stemming from having to squint to see the health bar would still exist, if only slightly alleviated. I think a larger bar in the HUD for regular map view would be more visual and accessible.
However, I don't think that a health bar underneath a ship on regular map would do much good, given that the problem stemming from having to squint to see the health bar would still exist, if only slightly alleviated. I think a larger bar in the HUD for regular map view would be more visual and accessible.
Re: Health Bar
watusimoto wrote:How about a health bar under each ship, beneath the name?
Doesn't that seem a bit redundant?
† Exploits of Quartz and bobdaduck - Pleiades Maps †
† 19-year-old Quartz mad about lawn removal †
† 19-year-old Quartz mad about lawn removal †
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer
Re: Health Bar
I think adding things external to the ship will add noise to the look of the game. We attempted to do this with 'rank' markings for 019, but it was too noisy.
I'm not quite sure what to do about it, though.
I'm not quite sure what to do about it, though.
Re: Health Bar
The instant action version of ZAP have a health bar on the bottom left corner, at the same size, colored red/orange/yellow, just above the energy bar.
It can be added if some of you want it, maybe with an option to turn off the big health bar.
It can be added if some of you want it, maybe with an option to turn off the big health bar.
Re: Health Bar
Right. I was personally imaging a really thin health bar, no more than half the thickness of the energy bar. This might reduce any clutter an extra bar brings.
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