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Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

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Post Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:22 pm

Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Hi this is Amgine Here to suggest something.

The Double Tap boost or the Pulse needs a Buff here is what I think should be changed.

1. A 20% 25% or 33% energy usage.

2.Less Boost given.

Reason for 1 : Currently it takes up 100% energy and often leaves you completely defenseless if used.

Reason for 2 : It often boosts too hard and you just rebound off a wall. particularly because maps are smaller due to the smaller community.

Currently Spy bugs give better kickback then the boost (maybe they should be given no kickback but thats for another thread.)

What are your opinions is it fine as is does energy need to be changed only or boost strength only or maybe both?

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Post Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:17 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

I am not opposed to changing it, but the idea was double-tap would be both powerful and dangerous.


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Post Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:52 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

amgine wrote:(maybe they should be given no kickback but thats for another thread.)



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Post Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:12 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Well its a problem if a surveillance item can be used to go faster than ability that is supposed to make you boost......
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Post Tue Nov 11, 2014 11:03 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

I feel the Pulse rather unfair right now, since you are completely defenseless after it's use.

So i think we need a rather 40% of usage of energy and slightly descreased Boost.
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Post Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:04 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Lower energy usage with lower output is an interesting idea. However I think the advantage of the double tap boost is the sheer distance it covers. Lessen that, even if it is more energy-efficient, and I think that advantage will wear off.

I actually have encountered occasions where I've wished I had more energy after using the double tap boost. But like watusimoto said, that's part of the tradeoff. There needs to be a disadvantage to using the tool.

My biggest gripe with double tap boost is it's too hard to control. Trying to aim double tap boost in any direction other than 'straight' is pretty much impossible. It would be nice to be able to 'steer' your ship while using the double tap boost. I would also appreciate the ability to rebind the control to something other than double tap, which feels clunky when trying to use in a competitive game.

Good idea nonetheless.
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Post Fri Nov 14, 2014 4:43 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

More often than not double tap boosts are useless because the map is smaller.

Another problem is I frequently encounter is when i try to use it by double tapping it mistakes it for 2 speed boosts.....
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Post Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:43 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Ship controls are disabled above a certain speed... for reasons I no longer remember (but the code was written when gofasts were first introduced to Bitfighter).


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Post Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:47 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

@watusimoto I would love to hear reasoning for why if you remember. I can understand the importance in snapped speedzones to prevent players from deviating from the course, but unsnapped speedzones and double tap boost should allow full mobility IMO.

@amgine: You're right that the usage of double tap boost depends a lot on the level, but there are a lot of different levels and thus a lot of opportunities to use the double tap boost at its current range.

Your second concern could be addressed with the ability to rebind double tap boost.
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Post Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:57 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

good cause it often thinks im using boosts not puleses.
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Post Mon Nov 17, 2014 7:46 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

I would love to hear reasoning for why if you remember.
It has been many many years, but I think it was either 1) it's hard to control your ship at all at that speed and keep everything synced; 2) what you said -- keeping players on track and an attempt to replicate Zap!'s behavior; or 3) something else.

I do recall it was an explicit decision; I clearly remember making it. I may have been frustrated.


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Post Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:30 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

I love it how it is. It's situational but effective when necessary. I've won objective-based games with it on odd occasion. It certainly has its uses, and I feel like it makes Boost a yet more versatile module. (Something all modules should strive for)

I wouldn't be horribly opposed to it using, say, 80% of energy instead of 100%, but still, I do love it how it currently functions.
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Post Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:35 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Quartz wrote:80% of energy instead of 100%
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Post Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:54 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

watusimoto wrote:
I would love to hear reasoning for why if you remember.
It has been many many years, but I think it was either 1) it's hard to control your ship at all at that speed and keep everything synced; 2) what you said -- keeping players on track and an attempt to replicate Zap!'s behavior; or 3) something else.

I do recall it was an explicit decision; I clearly remember making it. I may have been frustrated.

Would you be opposed to reverting on that decision? Inability to control the boost and difficult controls are definitely my biggest frustrations with the system. If it's made easier to control, we might not need to balance out the energy consumption because players could be more accurate with its usage and thus more efficient.
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Post Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:39 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Even then 40% seems to great i was thinking more along the lines of 33.33 % 25 % or 20 %

I still think the boost it way to much i have yet to see a map that double tap boost is good on. our community is way to small and as a result so are the maps.

Yes it it nearly impossible to steer more controllability would be nice.
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Post Wed Nov 19, 2014 7:10 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Would you be opposed to reverting on that decision?
Not necessarily.


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Post Fri Nov 21, 2014 9:41 am

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

A problem is if pulse doesnt have its energy or boost reduced people will just continue to use spybugs to boost. after all would you rather use 100% energy for a boost you can(t) control or 20% energy for a boost you can control.

In fact the kickback a spybug gives when a boost is used might actully be the right amount of boost an energy usage.
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Post Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:32 am

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

No way, spybugs take longer to place and can't be used while moving. I agree with you in some areas amgine but I think there's a large distinction between boosting from spybugs and boosting from the pulse feature.
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Post Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:40 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Not really its easy to place spybugs (click twice.) and shoot a burst (which is a good weapon anyways.) or just shoot a burst and sheild. or even just to use turbo
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Post Thu Nov 05, 2015 1:03 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Sorry for necroing this thread but I had a good idea regarding this after a long period of thought.

What if after double tap boosting if you could press space again to instantly break ( stop) at any time. this would allow for a massive max boost distance but allow for easy control.
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Post Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:15 am

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

I don't mind that new idea you just had, though you'd need pretty quick reflexes haha.
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Post Fri Nov 13, 2015 11:17 am

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Maybe If it was implemented you could give it the range of a 2000 Boost but the speed of maybe at a 500 range the speed shouldn't be to high so it would be easy to stop on reflex but I think this would balance it nicely.

I actually wonder if this is possible to implement for speed zones as well.....
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Post Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:55 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Anyone have thoughts on this? I actually would be very happy for a standard "brake" key, to be used in speedzones, mine/spybug launches, and boosts. Maybe not instantaneous braking, but something very quick. Speedzones would become much more usable instead of annoyingly overshooting your target, and it would be fun to use to evade enemies on a short notice.
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Post Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:52 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

I find that idea interesting. It would add some complexity to the game, but I'd say it would be worth it
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Post Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:24 am

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Actully I do disagree on that Point I think it should be instantaneous. makes stopping way easier than having to know the timing for over 1000 maps.
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Post Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:56 pm

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Would this really be a good thing? It seems kind of neither here nor there.


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Post Mon Jan 25, 2016 11:36 am

Re: Pulse Buff (Double Tap Boost)

Well from what I have read everyone agrees it would be a good thing however there seems to be some disagreement if it should be instantaneous stop or a gradual one I for one think it would not add to much complexity into the game and add some depth to the game.

I still stand on the side of being able to stop at any time instantly as there is still a good chance someone can ram you from behind.
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