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Balance Changes



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Post Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:00 pm

Balance Changes

I believe it is in bitFighter's best interests to approach a better game balance. As it stands, the game is a bit unbalanced in many ways, but it's far better than Zap ever was, so developers, you have my support and my gratitude. I think far too often we forget what the developers have gone through for our little community. Sure, it's a hobby and a passion that they have, so it is a labor of love, but it is labor nonetheless and we should make our appreciation more known.

I will tell you that Zap was being developed by GarageGames. Being a small company they knew that they couldn't charge people $10 just to get in the door, so Guests could get into the game free of charge and have pretty much 90% of the game at their disposal. They did, however, charge $10 for a real account with full access. This persisted even after they stopped developing the game and lost interest. Eventually they shut the master server down.

bitFighter was made from the open TNL/source of Zap (which is entirely legal) by watusimoto, and as we all know he has attracted other developers, including raptor, kaen, and sam686. They work entirely free for their pleasure and for this tiny community we have, and that's honestly a dream come true for players like us. How many other games get that good of a deal? Few and far between.

Now that we have had our history lesson, let's look to the present, and next the future. I have mentioned that at our present time we have better game balance than Zap ever did. There have been some balance changes that have taken place, slowly, cautiously, over the years. These changes include tightening Triple Fire's spread, making enemy Mines a large bit less noticeable, making Mines take ~1/2 energy rather than 2/3, making Enhanced Sensor worthwhile, adding Spybugs and Seekers, quick energy regeneration while standing still, spawning protected with less than full energy, various Engineer changes, adding Armor, and finally, adding double-tap to Boost.

All of these changes, in my eyes, are very positive. It has taken a long time, because such changes are very controversial, but overall they have worked well. In the case of Spybugs, they were revised about 200 times or so, but the developers (and members) have finally settled upon a good implementation. Mines are common now, whereas before they were generally thought of as … situational, to say the least. Enhanced Sensor is now comprised of various utilities, making it very handy indeed for a defender. (Personally, it has been my favorite of the balance changes)

Anyway, the point is that a lot of good changes have been made. But now we should look to our future. I believe it is in the best interest of our community to strive more towards game balance and less toward new features. Change for the sake of change is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. When the game is already slightly unbalanced, adding more weapons/modules/general features is *not* going to make the game more balanced, it can only be (nearly) meaningless, or else make things more unbalanced.

So I have made this thread for folks to put forward their ideas on how to go about balancing the game better. I do NOT want people posting "let's add this or that," because that is clearly not what this thread is about. This is a thread about proposing changes to already existing modules/weapons/whatever else. I believe if we are straightforward about what we are trying to accomplish here, we can sooner and more directly tackle the issues instead of going off on other topics.
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Post Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:38 pm

Re: Balance Changes


-Increase shield energy cost slightly
-Give repair a double tap option like boost
-Increase sensor vision range slightly
-Make spybugs reveal invisible units
-Decrease cloaking energy
-Make it so cloakers no longer cover stars, giving themselves away
-Remove armor, and add it back in as a pickup-able.
-delete engineer
-Delete engineer
-replace bouncer with a railgun (long reload, single shot, extreme speed, bounces off walls, pierces through multiple ships, long range.)
-Replace triple with a shotgun
-increase burst energy cost
-Add area damage to seeker (but no kickback)
-loadoutzones passively increase energy regen by 1.5 while inside them (yes, stacks with 2 second regen)
-Show asteroid spawns and their timers
Little_Apple wrote:DnD: the REAL bitfighter levelgen documentation

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Post Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:39 pm

Re: Balance Changes

Okay so here are my personal ideas. I am presenting these ideas separate from the main piece because I believe I am another one of you guys, and that my ideas should *not* be elevated above anyone else's. My intention for this thread is not "here's my ideas, what do you guys think?", my intention is "what do you all personally think should be done?" Feel free to pick my ideas apart, but please focus more on the positive if you can by contributing your own ideas instead of just tearing down others' ideas. Thanks :)

Here's probably my most controversial idea. Phaser is too easily the go-to weapon in my eyes. Rarely are you better off using a different weapon. I believe it has its place as the basic, decently effective, low-energy cost weapon, but it is a little too good for my tastes.
This one I'm not positive about, I don't pretend to have the exact answer. I believe it should either take a little more energy (at least enough that you don't actually slowly gain energy whilst firing it continuously), and/or do less damage. A mere 5 shots to destroy another ship is a little ridiculous for how low energy and fast firing it is. I believe 7 shots, like Bouncer, would be more reasonable.
Lots of people think Bouncer is underpowered. I like it how it is, but I won't act like it's the best in the world. It's worth noticing that Bouncer has fantastic range, so it can be used to snipe very effectively. (Especially in conjunction with Boost and/or Enhanced Sensor) I like it how it is, but I won't act like it's the best in the world. A slight buff might not be unwarranted.
Triple Fire
The Triple concept should be abandoned and it should simply be made into a shotgun, e.g. 5 shots or more. Currently it takes 8 individual clusters just to kill someone. That means 2 + 2/3 shots at the very least to destroy a ship. That's ridiculously ineffective. Thus, it should either get a damage buff (6 individual clusters to kill would be pretty decent), or else the number of shots fire should be increased. I'd lean more towards the shotgun approach, myself.
Mine is perfect now. Good job devs.
Insanely powerful grenade-like projectile that takes barely any energy to fire, and you can fire it pretty much constantly? Let's be honest guys, Burst is pretty much a requirement at the moment, and you can spam them all you want. I'm fine with the fire rate as it is, but it should take up a whole lot more energy. More along the lines of what Seeker currently is, or *possibly* a little less.
Blah, no idea. I like this weapon for sure, but it is definitely a novelty at the moment. I'll just observe other peoples' ideas for this one.

Turbo Boost
Boost is fun, useful, versatile and the double-tap is absolutely awesome. Most people seem to be in favor of tying double-tap to a whole different button, or at least the ability to do so if you wish. That sounds wise to me. Other than that, it's a pretty cool module.
You essentially *have* to use Shield. Yes, you can make due with Repair if you play cautiously, I get it; which is good. But really, Shield should either have some form of weakness or else just take up more energy.
Repair is great how it is. bobdaduck proposed the idea to me of adding a feature to it reminiscent of Boost's new double-tap. I personally think that would be pretty balanced, as it would be an interesting tactic, but leave people insanely vulnerable.
Enhanced Sensor
A whole bunch of useful mostly Defensive-oriented utilities. This module is the perfect tool for a Defender and adds a whole new host of tactics and team-based strategies to the game. Devs, bravo on this one. I love it.
I'll probably be one of the few people to say that Cloak is a bit of a joke. For some reason I can use it pretty decently effectively, but to any trained eye, I would be failing pretty spectacularly. Currently cloaking causes you to cover up stars. If someone is standing still, it is extremely easy to see a cloaker and eliminate them. FYI, I am usually the guy eliminating the cloaker, rather than vice versa. I feel dirty being able to that.
So needless to say, I think that should be removed. Cloak should be entirely invisible. Furthermore, the energy cost should be decreased while standing still. This would add a whole bunch of stalker strategies, and it would be great. To anyone who is scared that these two changes in conjunction could make the module overpowering, keep in mind that Enhanced Sensor has been buffed up to allow you to see Cloakers at close range. Usually the module vs. module argument is bogus but honestly, Sensor has a lot of other uses, and you probably wouldn't feel yourself being "forced to use Sensor" unless someone was really, really good with Cloak.
I think it's fine, although many disagree with me. The real problem with Engineer is that tons of people make maps where they consider Engineer either all or nothing; their maps either have no engineering or engineering with a good 30 resource items spread about the map. Mapmakers: Please, good things come in moderation. Limit the resource items severely.
I came up with the idea that you could possibly make it so that anyone who has Engineer module equipped wouldn't get the fast energy regeneration from standing still. That could be interesting, and limit peoples' ability to Engineer at fast speeds.
Get rid of the movement penalty, it's that simple. After that, and maybe a tweak or two to Shield, the two modules would stand toe-to-toe: Which will you choose, passive light armor with no strings attached, or activated, energy-based heavy armor? The potential dichotomy between these two modules could be very fascinating indeed.
Exploits of Quartz and bobdaduck - Pleiades Maps
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Post Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:04 pm

Re: Balance Changes

Here are mine :P

-Keep engineer as it is optional for levels
-Keep bouncer
-Make triple more powerful or make it quadruple xD
-Keep Phaser as it is
-Increase shield energy
-Decrease cloak energy
-Add double tap repair to encourage the use of repair by good players
-Make armor replace shield but make armor way stronger
-Keep mines as they are
-Make seekers more useful
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.

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