Rant v1
except the game kind of sucks. Anyways, I'm an ideas guy and an armchair developer so give me 50% in profit when this game takes offff
Some things I like atm:
The core gametype (the levels still suck though)
Stand-still energy boost
Things I don't like:
a lot
First of all, the modules suck. omg, heresy.
Boost is a bit OP... slow it down a tad or increase energy use. Get rid of the double-tap boost-- it breaks the flow.
Shield is very OP: one cannot survive in the game without shield. Keep the energy use the same, but take a bit a way whenever you get hit. Seriously though. I cannot do anything without shield.
Repair is ok... but you should be able to damage enemy players and buildings. Due to the close proximity required, perhaps make it do double damage or something like that.
Sensor: WTF happened. A direct, passive counter to cloak? Are you kidding me?
Cloak: it's ok (hahaha)
Engineer: throw it away. I mean, really? It completely breaks the game. Turrets fricken everywhere. No maps use it correctly.
Armor: get rid of the maneuverability disadvantage. It sucks to lose a second module slot already. Either that or throw this out as well
Anyways, I think you should just get rid of modules altogether. tbh, it kind of slows down the game. They also appear to be difficult to balance.
It'd be neat to see a pure game mode without all that extra garbage attached imo
Phaser is op. Cannot go without it. increase energy requirements
Bouncer is underpowered (takes too much energy).
Triple needs a slight buff
Burst is OP (a little bit of energy for a ton of damage?)
Mines are ok.
Seeker: whyyyyyyyy
I think it'd be fun to see all the weapons replaced with some sort of laser-type thing (i'm talking hitscan weapons here). Make the damage variate based on how far the crosshair is from the enemy ship. Crosshair on the ship = max damage (headshot -- aimbots will be a problem, but I doubt that'll happen with this game). If the crosshair creates a line from ship to enemy ship = some damage (variable). Just something that sounds fun.
Some random things:
Burst and ships do not bounce off walls at the correct angles (especially noticeable at 45º).
Weapons preserve momentum when moving forward or backward relative to the ship, but not side-to-side. Kind of awkward, but I assume it makes aiming easier... but still.
Asteroids: WTF? Spawnkilled all the fricken time. At least put in something that shows whether it will spawn soon or not.
Aesthics need an upgrade. Easier said than done I know etc... but still. Make it something like geometry wars and it might be a bit more appealing.
just some food for thought.
I know this is your baby and whatever, so take it with a grain of salt. The point is, zap is gone now. I'm pretty much suggesting a whole new game... but it wouldn't hurt to try some of these ideas.