Ad Campaigns
As you may or may not know, I recently started working as a contract software developer. I was able to build a little portfolio and start working from home, doing what I love. This was indisputably a result of my work on bitfighter, as it gave me a free canvas to build a small body of work, which constituted my entire portfolio up until a month ago. Even now, it remains a substantial portion, and I get leads almost daily interested in experience I gained from bitfighter. I believe I have profited from bitfighter more than any other player or developer, and that I have a responsibility to give back to the community which has given me this opportunity.
I have decided to put some money where my mouth is and begin a series of small ad campaigns aimed at getting some new players.
I'm going to start with Facebook Ads, simply because I have a client who uses them, and it's like turning the valve on a fire hose when they run. I'll be moving on to twitter and google and other vectors as we get a feel for what does and does not work. I'll be spending about $5 a day to start with.
I'm looking for the genius insights of the community while I do this. For the facebook ads, we need a 110x80 image and some good copy writing (limit 90 characters). Please post your suggestions as replies to this thread. Each week, I'll post the analytics data I receive so that we can go over it as a community and pick a direction to move.
bobdaduck wrote:Next, the moon!
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