Bit Fighter Tuesday 2017
Is someone willing to host a server this Tuesday? I think I need a week to get ready what I have planned.
skybax: Why is this health pack following me?
bobdaduck: uh, it likes you.
Little_Apple wrote:DnD: the REAL bitfighter levelgen documentation
Santiago ZAP wrote:bob doesn't make new maps, he makes new gamemodes
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?
sky_lark wrote:Always down to play more Bitfighter. I don't know what you have planned, but it might be worth a shot to get the bitfighter league back up and running. Doesn't need to be super complicated. You could just have cores of like 3-4 players each then supplement them with anyone who shows up. It's just a way to get people incentivized to play and remember to play because folks can remind each other.
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer
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