What I'm going to be doing for a while is hosting a server while I'm at class each day ... which means it won't be up super often, but decently often. I live on a University campus at the moment. This also means that the connection will be far better than my home. I tested it last night and people were running around with 40-60 ping, although it spiked to 200 for a quick moment at one point for whatever reason.
Level List:
35 x 5 (by Quartz)
Quartz' Super Fast Mini Dungeon (by Quartz)
Yellow Snow (by Quartz, Qui helped revamp it for bF)
Quartz' Mini Dungeon (by Quartz)
QuartzdaDuckgeon (by Quartz)
Q-Emporer's Revenge (by Quartz)
Adventure (by Quartz)
Dungeon Count: 7
Eden (by Absolute)
Forts (by Quartz)
CTF-Compass (by Quartz)
Mosaics II (by cloakdood)
1 vs. 1 (by cloakdood)
blocks (by bobdaduck)
Blue Wall (by bobdaduck)
Boomerang (by bobdaduck)
Cones Drill (by bobdaduck)
Crossroads (by bobdaduck)
factory (by bobdaduck)
Solar Eclipse (by bobdaduck)
Space Station (by bobdaduck)
Tube (by bobdaduck)
Bumper Field (by Quartz)
Rack City (by Quartz)
Empty Cup Holders (by Little_Apple)
Close Quarters (by Unknown)
CTF Count: 18
They Call Me Crazy (by Quartz)
Twofer (by Quartz)
Pathetic Humans (by Quartz)
Hexidecimate (by bobdaduck)
Diamonds are Forever (by Quartz)
Collectors (Drex)
Double Lucky (by Quartz)
Cavity Search (by Quartz)
Retrieve Count: 8
Maya (by Quartz)
Firefight (by Quartz)
Raining Fire (by bobdaduck)
Bitwise Orrery (by Qui)
Around the Bend (by Quartz)
There Will Be Blood (by Quartz)
HTF Count: 6
Zone Control:
Fear (by cloakdood)
Brite Nite (by bobdaduck)
Static Motion (by bobdaduck)
Time Orb (by bobdaduck)
Vertical Horizons (by bobdaduck)
Snail World (by Quartz)
Short (by Hobo)
Serpentine (by Quartz)
The Grid (by Quartz)
Zone Control Count: 9
Spooning Leads to Forking (by Quartz)
Arena Soccer (by Quartz)
Soccer Count: 2
Team Colloseum (by Quartz ... edited from stock)
Launchpad McQuack (by Quartz)
Ducks Rock (by bobdaduck and Quartz. Collab baby!)
Progress (by Quartz)
Empty Cells (by Little_Apple)
Encore (by Quartz)
Disquietude (by Qui)
Core Count: 7
Cure for the Itch (by Quartz)
New Super BitMatch (by YoshiSmb ... I edited out the vast majority of the map, however)
Intermission (Stock)
Bitmatch01 (Stock, slight edit by Quartz)
Arena (by bobdaduck)
Gridbug (by bobdaduck)
Ampitheatre of Death (by Quartz)
Intermissive (by Quartz)
Disc Wars (by Little_Apple)
Organic (by Qui)
BitBash Count: 9
Mini-Colloseum (by Quartz ... sort of)
Lines (by Invisible)
Garfunkle's Claim to Fame (by Little_Apple)
Dazzle (by bobdaduck)
Laser Tag (by bobdaduck)
Hunting (by cloakdood)
Forest of Fear (by Quartz)
Gold Mine (by Qui)
Hunters/Nexus Count: 8
Pacman v.9001 (by Quartz)
Destiny Bunny (by bobdaduck)
Ninja Bunny (by Quartz)
The Wrath of the Rabid Chipmunk (by Quartz)
Rabbit Count: 4
Survival (by Quartz ...levelgen script by bobdaduck coming soon!)
Server Crash (by Quartz)
/getmap sooo hard (by bobdaduck)
/getmap for DAYS (by Quartz)
Rave Party (by bobdaduck and Quartz. Collab baby!)
Other maps: 5
41 maps by Quartz
21 maps by bobdaduck
2 collab maps by Quartz and bobdaduck
4 maps by Qui
4 maps by Little_Apple
4 maps by cloakdood
1 map by Drex
1 map by Hobo
1 map by Unknown
1 map by Absolute
1 map by YoshiSmb
1 map by Invisible
4 stock maps, 3/4 of which are edited
Again ... I really want more peoples' maps! Please submit!
† 19-year-old Quartz mad about lawn removal †
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer