An Open Call for Awesome Maps
Maps that go on Solid Gold must:
- Be generally acknowledged as "good"
- Be interesting/fun to skilled players
- Be friendly to and playable by newcomers
- Follow the intuitive rules and rhythm of bitfighter
- Have a reasonable time and/or score limit
Maps that go on Solid Gold must not:
- Be dungeons
- Abuse the physics of Bitfighter (e.g. speedzone guns)
- Frustrate new players (e.g. speedzone traps in general)
The maps don't have to be new (or old), and you can also suggest maps that you've made yourself. I have the final thumbs up/down for any maps suggested, but I am actively seeking input and discussion from the community. If I don't pick a map, it doesn't mean I think it's bad, just that it doesn't fit what I'm trying to do with Solid Gold. You may also discuss the removal of maps from the rotation in this thread.
Here's the current rotation of the server (will be updated when changes are made):
- Gold Mine by Uncredited (Hunters)
- Bridge by By & sky_lark (Team CTF)
- Geo-war by Uncredited (Team CTF)
- Honeycomb by Dr. Spacebar (Team Bitmatch)
- Spooning Leads to Forking by Quartz (Team Soccer)
- Pathetic Humans by Quartz (Team Retrieve)
- Double Lucky by Quartz (Team Retrieve)
- Encore by Quartz (Team Core)
- Endless War by By Philip Turner, polished by sky_lark (Team Retrieve)
- Fist Fight by Uncredited (Team Retrieve)
- Bubblegum Wars by Quartz (Team ZoneControl)
- Red vs Blue by Lamp (Team Core)
- Blitz by By Philip Turner (Team Retrieve)
- Snail World by Quartz (Team ZoneControl)
- Wrath of the Rabid Chipmunk by Quartz (Team Rabbit)
- The Grid by Quartz (Team ZoneControl)
- Diamonds are Forever by Quartz (Team Retrieve)
- the jog by Invisible (Team CTF)
- In The Deep by Quartz (Team Retrieve)
- Arena by bobdaduck (Team Bitmatch)
- Ninja Bunny by Quartz (Team Rabbit)
- CTF-Compass by Quartz (Team CTF)
- Tight Space by Quartz (Team Retrieve)
- Mini-Colloseum by Quartz (Team Hunters)
- Colosseum by Original Zap! Level (Team Hunters)
- Convey by qui (Team Hunters)
- Kompressor's Gambit (Zap! verison) by Uncredited (Team CTF)
- Maya by Quartz (Team HTF)
- They Call Me Crazy by Quartz (Team Retrieve)
- Around the Bend by Quartz (Team HTF)
- Push Of War by Quartz (Team Soccer)
- Cavity Search by Quartz (Team Retrieve)
- Forest of Fear by Quartz (Team Nexus)
- Firefight by Quartz (Team HTF)
- Fear by Uncredited (Team ZoneControl)
- Eden by Uncredited (Team CTF)
- Cure For The Itch by Quartz (Team Bitmatch)
- Search and Destroy by Quartz (Team Bitmatch)
- Plumbing by By Hamster, remastered by sky_lark (Team Retrieve)
- Progress by Quartz (Team Core)
- Rack City by Quartz (Team CTF)
- Serpentine by Quartz (Team ZoneControl)
- Surfing with the Alien by Quartz (Team Retrieve)
- Twofer by Quartz (Team Retrieve)
- Smile by By Drex, tweaked by sky_lark (Team CTF)
Obviously, some of these don't belong and other great maps are missing.
Let's make an awesome server, guys!
Edit 3/19/2013:
I dumped most of Quartz' map pack onto the server, as well as Lamp's Red vs. Blue. I will be pruning the list aggressively once I get some feedback. I want to have a manageable selection of undeniably good maps rather than a ton of mediocre ones.
Edit 3/19/2013:
Added sky_lark's greatest hits for evaluation as well as Gold Mine, Honeycomb, and Fear (I think it's the right one anyway...)
bobdaduck wrote:Next, the moon!
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