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Loadout zone graphics



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Post Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:32 am

Loadout zone graphics

I am thinking about ways to improve the Bitfighter graphics in a way that people won't hate. One idea I've had is to replace the text in zones ("Loadout Zone", "Nexus", etc.) with icons that would 1) fit better inside the zone and 2) look cooler.

I'm not sure if this idea will actually improve things, but I wanted to get some suggestions for possible icons.

For Loadout Zones, the obvious choice (to me) is a gear (possibly like this one: http://www.shutterstock.com/pic.mhtml?id=93846991). Other zones include Goal Zones, Nexuses, and Slip Zones (shudder).

Any ideas for those?

Any icons would probably be rendered as simple linework, probably using the existing text color as the line color. So the icon should work well in that sort of vectory style.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!


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Post Wed Mar 06, 2013 1:07 pm

Re: Loadout zone graphics

I like it.

Slip Zones should have a banana peel graphic.
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Post Wed Mar 06, 2013 2:14 pm

Re: Loadout zone graphics

Quartz wrote:I like it.

Slip Zones should have a banana peel graphic.



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Post Sat Mar 09, 2013 9:47 pm

Re: Loadout zone graphics

checkered flag for the goal zone ( or maybe non checkered ) and maybe spiral galaxy shape for nexus
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Post Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:27 pm

Re: Loadout zone graphics

watusimoto wrote:I am thinking about ways to improve the Bitfighter graphics in a way that people won't hate. One idea I've had is to replace the text in zones ("Loadout Zone", "Nexus", etc.) with icons that would 1) fit better inside the zone and 2) look cooler.

I'm not sure if this idea will actually improve things, but I wanted to get some suggestions for possible icons.

For Loadout Zones, the obvious choice (to me) is a gear (possibly like this one: http://www.shutterstock.com/pic.mhtml?id=93846991). Other zones include Goal Zones, Nexuses, and Slip Zones (shudder).

Any ideas for those?

Any icons would probably be rendered as simple linework, probably using the existing text color as the line color. So the icon should work well in that sort of vectory style.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Sure, would be nice
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Post Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:47 pm

Re: Loadout zone graphics

yes it would be more convenient then then standerd text although if you could adjust in text for the area names that would be convenient sometimes the zone test likes to be misplaced inconveniently.
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