Arena Mode
I was never really behind the whole idea until I played a solid game of 3v3 a couple nights ago. Competitive Bitfighter is pretty cool.
I'd like to take it one step further, and allow game hosters to set and limit the amount of weapon usage per ship. ie. 40 bouncers, 60 triple, 3 mines. Infinite phaser. etc. Really though, just limiting mines and spybugs would be neat.
I was playing a balanced game tonight and found that when mines weren't placed, there was a much stronger emphasis on raw skill and competition. Players couldn't rely on traps or luck, and had to straight-up engage with their enemies. I wouldn't recommend it for casual games, but for high-caliber competition, mines are a bit of a cheap shot.
The most glaring obstacle has been the lack of a spectator mode. I think this should be solvable with a simple levelgen script, however. After x number of deaths, change spawn point of player. Is this possible?
And, there would need to be a "game set" feature, where scores were tallied based on the number of match wins, not points. Ex. Instead of getting 10 kills to win, you'd need to win three rounds. Regardless of if Arena goes to publication, a "game set" feature would be nice for general competitive play.
Of course, a mode with these properties would bring up some unfortunate side effects. Any suggestions on how to combat them?
- Newcomers joining a competitive server may become discouraged after inevitable round losses.
- Players may not enjoy waiting while rounds are active. [Though, side note, I haven't seen this as much of a problem.]
- Restricting ship lives and weapon usage may not adhere to Bitfighter's core gameplay mechanics. This is bad because (a) it's just not cool and (b) it may give newcomers a misleading impression of the game.