Quartz wrote:...
> Get more fit*
*Constantly beat down for trying to do this lolz. Finally started working out again, then after the second day I got sick -- so now I'm sick. Yay.
That blows my mind. It is
critical that modern humans engage in some form of difficult physical activity. It's not an option, your body works in a way that assumes you are doing this. Back in the caveman days, literally any time you did anything, you were working out. Whether you were foraging, hunting, dressing a kill, or running for your life, you had prolonged physical activity for almost your entire day. If you had somewhere to go, you walked there, for hours or days at a time. All day, every day, you were burning calories to survive.
Compare to now, where we drive or ride everywhere, buy our food pre-packaged (often even pre-cooked), and sit at a desk for a significant portion of our lives. We're violating a massive assumption of our physiology. If you don't work out regularly (I'm talking at least three times a week), you're not operating your body properly. It's no wonder people are so fatigued, stressed, and unfit.
Anyone who goes from zero to regularly working out will feel better about themselves and
life in general within a week. It's not just a physical thing, many of the benefits are mental.
So whoever is "beating you down" about that has absolutely no idea what they're talking about, and you should get back on the wagon as soon as you're feeling 80%.
I'm not like a health nut. I run, ride my bike, and lift moderate weights. These are just some realizations I came to a few years ago while thinking about modern man versus ancient man.