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Posts: 352

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Post Fri Mar 14, 2014 3:29 pm


Lots of slipzones and testitems.. Weeee

• removed asteroids, some testitems
• added loadout zone
• New team colors!
• Description!


LevelFormat 2
CTFGameType 8 8
LevelName Crossing
LevelDescription "through the middle or around the belt?"
LevelCredits tazinator
Team LightBlue 0.45 0.875 1
Team Yellow 1 1 0
Specials Engineer
PolyWall -843.908813 -28.645035 -736.582458 -90.610092 -674.617554 -197.936539 -674.617554 -321.866455 -736.582397 -429.192993 -843.908813 -491.15802 -967.838867 -491.15802 -1075.165283 -429.192932 -1137.130371 -321.866455 -1137.130371 -197.936539 -1075.165527 -90.610031 -967.838745 -28.645035
PolyWall 471.778534 -913.7771 364.452209 -851.812012 302.487274 -744.485596 302.487274 -620.555603 364.452148 -513.229065 471.778595 -451.264069 595.708618 -451.264069 703.035034 -513.229126 765 -620.555603 765.000122 -744.485535 703.035156 -851.812073 595.708496 -913.7771
PolyWall -843.909363 535.950684 -736.582947 473.985596 -674.618042 366.65918 -674.618042 242.729218 -736.582886 135.40271 -843.909363 73.437683 -967.839294 73.437683 -1075.165771 135.402771 -1137.130859 242.729218 -1137.130859 366.65918 -1075.166016 473.985657 -967.839294 535.950684
PolyWall 451.399536 538.696045 344.073181 600.661133 282.108276 707.987549 282.108276 831.91748 344.07312 939.244019 451.399597 1001.209106 575.32959 1001.209106 682.656067 939.244019 744.621033 831.91748 744.621155 707.987549 682.656189 600.661072 575.329529 538.696045
PolyWall -515.314819 1006.005615 -407.988464 944.040527 -346.02356 836.714111 -346.02356 712.784119 -407.988403 605.457581 -515.314819 543.492554 -639.244873 543.492554 -746.571289 605.457642 -808.536133 712.784119 -808.536377 836.71405 -746.571289 944.040527 -639.244751 1006.005615
PolyWall 841.505066 117.358582 734.178711 179.323639 672.213806 286.650055 672.213806 410.580017 734.17865 517.906616 841.505127 579.871582 965.43512 579.871582 1072.761475 517.906494 1134.726318 410.580017 1134.726562 286.650116 1072.761475 179.323578 965.435059 117.358582
PolyWall 833.899414 -455.887299 726.573059 -393.922211 664.608154 -286.595825 664.608154 -162.665833 726.572998 -55.339325 833.899475 6.625702 957.829468 6.625702 1065.155884 -55.339386 1127.12085 -162.665833 1127.12085 -286.595764 1065.156006 -393.922272 957.829407 -455.887299
PolyWall 31.88755 1189.291504 139.213852 1127.326416 201.178802 1020 201.178802 896.070068 139.213852 788.74353 31.887428 726.778503 -92.042503 726.778503 -199.368988 788.743591 -261.333954 896.070068 -261.334015 1020 -199.369049 1127.326538 -92.042503 1189.291504
PolyWall -351.283875 -1699.055786 -351.283875 -1469.555786 337.216125 -1469.555786 451.96698 -1438.808105 1048.224609 -1094.558472 1140.466064 -1010.555664 1476.477539 -414.297241 1507.224365 -299.547241 1507.224609 388.953003 1476.477539 503.702271 1132.227539 1099.961304 1048.224121 1183.963013 451.966125 1528.213745 337.21698 1558.960327 -351.283905 1558.960815 -466.03299 1528.213257 -1062.292114 1183.963501 -1146.293579 1099.960327 -1490.544434 503.701538 -1521.290771 388.952515 -1521.291748 -299.547974 -1490.543701 -414.296631 -1154.534058 -1010.555664 -1062.29126 -1094.557373 -466.032104 -1438.808105 -351.283905 -1469.555786 -351.283386 -1699.055054 -1728.283936 -1699.055786 -1728.283936 1743.444458 1714.216064 1743.444214 1714.216064 -1699.055786
PolyWall -62.534523 -1115.85376 -169.86084 -1053.888672 -231.825806 -946.562317 -231.825806 -822.632324 -169.860901 -715.305786 -62.534447 -653.340759 61.395561 -653.340759 168.721985 -715.305847 230.686951 -822.632324 230.687042 -946.562256 168.722046 -1053.888794 61.395485 -1115.85376
PolyWall -471.778442 -468.208435 -364.452087 -530.173523 -302.487183 -637.5 -302.487183 -761.429871 -364.452026 -868.756287 -471.778503 -930.721436 -595.708496 -930.721436 -703.034912 -868.756287 -764.999878 -761.429871 -765 -637.5 -703.035034 -530.173462 -595.708435 -468.208435
SlipZone -0.2 -351.283875 -1469.555786 -351.283875 -1240.055786 337.216125 -1240.055786 337.216125 -1469.555786
LoadoutZone -1 0 100 -100 0 -0 -100 100 -0
SlipZone -0.2 -1062.29126 -1094.557373 -947.54126 -895.80542 -351.283081 -1240.055054 -466.032471 -1438.80835
SlipZone -0.2 451.966125 -1438.808472 337.216125 -1240.055786 933.474487 -895.805725 1048.224731 -1094.558472
SlipZone -0.2 337.216522 1558.960449 337.2164 1329.460938 -351.283478 1329.460938 -351.283905 1558.960938
SlipZone -0.2 1048.224731 1183.963501 933.474731 985.210876 337.216309 1329.460938 451.965942 1528.213867
SlipZone -0.2 1476.477539 503.702332 1277.724609 388.952454 933.474854 985.210876 1132.227417 1099.961304
SlipZone -0.2 -466.03299 1528.213257 -351.283417 1329.460938 -947.541687 985.210876 -1062.292114 1183.963501
SlipZone -0.2 -1521.290527 388.952667 -1291.791504 388.952454 -1291.79126 -299.547333 -1521.291504 -299.547943
SlipZone -0.2 1507.224487 -299.547302 1277.724487 -299.547302 1277.724487 388.952454 1507.224609 388.952881
SlipZone -0.2 -1490.543579 -414.296631 -1291.79126 -299.547302 -947.54126 -895.80542 -1146.293945 -1010.556152
SlipZone -0.2 -1146.293823 1099.960693 -947.541687 985.210876 -1291.791504 388.952454 -1490.5448 503.702026
SlipZone -0.2 1132.227539 -1010.555664 933.474609 -895.805664 1277.724609 -299.547241 1476.477661 -414.297119
LineItem 1 2 Global 337.21701 1558.960449 -351.283905 1558.960449 -351.28299 1329.460449 337.21701 1329.460449 337.21701 1558.960449
LineItem 0 2 Global 337.216125 -1240.055786 -351.283875 -1240.055786 -351.283875 -1469.555786 337.216125 -1469.555786 337.216125 -1240.055786
LineItem 0 2 Global -351.28299 -1240.055786 -947.541016 -895.805725 -1062.291016 -1094.558105 -466.032104 -1438.808105 -351.28299 -1240.055786
LineItem 0 2 Global 933.474487 -895.805725 337.216003 -1240.055786 451.966064 -1438.808472 1048.224487 -1094.558472 933.474487 -895.805725
LineItem 1 2 Global -947.541016 985.210449 -1146.293579 1099.960327 -1490.544434 503.701477 -1291.791016 388.952332 -947.541016 985.210449
LineItem -1 2 Global 1507.224243 388.952332 1277.724243 388.952332 1277.724243 -299.547668 1507.224243 -299.547668 1507.224243 388.952332
LineItem -1 2 Global -1291.791016 -299.547638 -1291.791016 388.952362 -1521.290283 388.952362 -1521.291138 -299.548523 -1291.791016 -299.547638
LineItem 0 2 Global 1476.477051 -414.297028 1277.724121 -299.547028 933.47406 -895.805054 1132.227051 -1010.555054 1476.477051 -414.297028
LineItem 0 2 Global -947.54126 -895.80542 -1291.79126 -299.547363 -1490.543823 -414.296448 -1146.293823 -1010.556335 -947.54126 -895.80542
LineItem 1 2 Global 1048.224731 1183.963379 451.966614 1528.214233 337.217529 1329.460815 933.474731 985.210815 1048.224731 1183.963379
LineItem 1 2 Global -351.28299 1329.460449 -466.03299 1528.213013 -1062.29187 1183.963013 -947.541016 985.210449 -351.28299 1329.460449
LineItem 1 2 Global 1476.477051 503.702759 1132.227173 1099.96167 933.474792 985.210876 1277.724731 388.952759 1476.477051 503.702759
TextItem 0 -533.971497 -1495.489136 1646.278564 -1495.489136 255 Bitfighter
TestItem 255 -510
TestItem -382.5 510
TestItem -255 510
TestItem -382.5 -255
TestItem 255 510
TestItem -255 637.5
TestItem -637.5 -382.5
Spawn 0 1071.616211 -1033.505737
Spawn 0 -423.694702 -1392.785034
Spawn 0 -1053.410767 -1001.565918
Spawn 1 1002.958923 1120.438599
Spawn 1 1430.77063 437.235901
Spawn 0 -1456.444702 -360.035065
Spawn 1 -384.592712 1465.754395
Spawn 1 379.770813 1471.374756
Spawn 0 1461.766113 -345.005768
Spawn 0 379.555298 -1392.785034
FlagItem 0 -8.129265 -1204.035034
FlagItem 1 -25.5 1300.5
Turret 0 -10.49123 -1115.85376 0
Turret 1 -25.5 1189.291504 0
Spawn 1 -1036.549805 1077.952393
TestItem 255 -637.5
TestItem 637.5 -382.5
TestItem 637.5 -255
TestItem -255 -637.5
Spawn 1 -1456.444702 443.214905
TestItem 637.5 255
TestItem 637.5 382.5
TestItem 382.5 510
TestItem 255 637.5
TestItem -382.5 255
RepairItem 1396.231445 53.540596 20
RepairItem -1403.59436 41.013409 20
ResourceItem 92.010841 1272.80188
ResourceItem -127.5 -1147.5
ResourceItem 102.792435 -1149.827148
ResourceItem -127.5 1275
TestItem 382.5 255
TestItem 510 255
TestItem 255 255
TestItem -510 255
TestItem -637.5 255
TestItem 255 382.5
TestItem 382.5 382.5
TestItem 510 382.5
TestItem -255 382.5
TestItem -382.5 382.5
TestItem -510 382.5
TestItem -637.5 382.5
TestItem 255 -255
TestItem 382.5 -255
TestItem 510 -255
TestItem -255 -255
TestItem -510 -255
TestItem -637.5 -255
TestItem 255 -382.5
TestItem 382.5 -382.5
TestItem 510 -382.5
TestItem -255 -382.5
TestItem -382.5 -382.5
TestItem -510 -382.5
TestItem -255 -510
TestItem -255 255
TestItem -766.225891 34.328526
TestItem 770.522461 64.609283
LevelDatabaseId 234
Last edited by tazinator on Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Play my new level! Two different teams fight over a nexus: One mainly defends while the other attacks! is fun


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Post Fri Mar 14, 2014 4:26 pm

Re: Crossings

I'd suggest making the slipzones more rounded. I like rounded and well-fitting zones.
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?


Posts: 352

Joined: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:35 pm

Post Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:00 pm

Re: Crossings

I do not understand
but bots have trouble on this map
Play my new level! Two different teams fight over a nexus: One mainly defends while the other attacks! is fun


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Post Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:49 am

Re: Crossings

It needs more test items.
Exploits of Quartz and bobdaduck - Pleiades Maps
19-year-old Quartz mad about lawn removal
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer


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Joined: Fri Jul 05, 2013 7:35 pm

Post Sat Mar 15, 2014 1:13 pm

Re: Crossings

that was in version 1..
im trying to take a break from computers right now so cant fix it
Play my new level! Two different teams fight over a nexus: One mainly defends while the other attacks! is fun


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Post Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:21 pm

Re: Crossings

The slip zones are pretty interesting. You can get going quite fast but it can also be tough to stay on.

I agree with making the slip zones rounded. This is easy to do by just adding an extra vertex to each slip zone and dragging it to the adjacent zone.

There are indeed a lot of testitems, and I get that they intend to crowd up the middle but I fear with a handful of players they could lag up the server quickly.

But I like the map!
Last edited by sky_lark on Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:19 pm

Re: Crossings

Also. It's not symmetrical.
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?


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Post Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:57 am

Re: Crossings

Skybax wrote:Also. It's not symmetrical.

Aye. Amusingly, it's easier to make something perfectly symmetrical than to make it slightly off. Just design half of the level, copy+paste on-top of itself, ctrl+alt+r 180 (for two team maps, of course).
Exploits of Quartz and bobdaduck - Pleiades Maps
19-year-old Quartz mad about lawn removal
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer

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