White Elephant Contest: Vol. 1
I am aware that it is not Christmas time. I am also aware that I do not give a damn.
You are going to submit your username into this contest, and I will throw it into a random generator machine of sorts. Your name will be assigned to a random person, and in return, you will get someone else's name. Your job will then be to emulate that person's mapmaking style as best you can … If their style is seemingly beyond you, don't sweat it, just do your best; and it's not like you can't resort to humorously jabbing at their level making style if you can't do a serious map! I am intentionally leaving it very open-ended, the choice is yours' as to how to approach this. Additionally, you will learn the favorite color and favorite animal of the player you are assigned … this ought to help get the creative juices flowing, if needed.
What are the technical implications of this theme?
Most of the technical implications will be my concern and I will take care of it. However, there is the potential issue of someone submitting their name to the contest despite not having any widely-known maps. Due to this, I am going to ask that should you submit your name to this contest, please ensure that you have at least two maps of your own uploaded onto Pleiades!
The contest theme also means that there is even less mystery as to whom is involved in the contest. This isn't a problem, it ought to be a hoot regardless. ^(OvO)^
You are assigned a player to emulate, and you make a map mocking their style. And yet, perhaps your thirst for level-making is left un-satiated! If this happens, feel free to let me know via PM and I will assign you yet another name so that you may make an additional map. If you want to keep PMing me for yet more assignments, that's cool with me, but only the first two will be eligible for voting. Yes, the first two, you don't get to pick -- this is how I curb your creative expression and general enthusiasm, because one person shouldn't be allowed to be that happy. It's probably against the law in several countries.
Pretty straightforward stuff.
- Remain anonymous.
- Don't cheat the voting system.
- One map per author assignment. Read "A TWIST" above to understand what exactly I mean by this.
1st place - FoOtloOse is going to make you a piece of fine Bitfighter arts and crafts (she'll take requests!), and I'll send you $10 either over PayPal, Amazon, Steam, or I'll mail it with some cute personalized drawings to go with it, just for you.
2nd place - FoOtloOse is going to make you a piece of fine Bitfighter arts and crafts (she'll take requests!), and I'll send you $5 either over PayPal, Amazon, Steam, or I'll mail it with some cute personalized drawings to go with it, just for you.
Fill out this form and Private Message (PM) it to me:
* The deadline for submitting your name is July 4th, 2:00 AM PST. Literally all you have to do is PM me with those "HOW TO ENTER" details, so just do it please. I am not going to be accepting people after this deadline, the technical implications mean it just plain won't work. I will churn the names together and give you an assignment shortly after this deadline.
* The deadline for submitting maps is July 20th, 2:00 AM PST. So basically, get it done by that Sunday night.
* The contest server will go up sometime July 20th! Last time I made promises about the time I failed and people were understandably mad at me so I'm not doing that this time. ^^
* I'd like to have an opening party, but I want to find out when works best for everyone. I'm open to suggestions.
† 19-year-old Quartz mad about lawn removal †
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer