Teleporter Delay
While I have absolutely NO problem just fiddling with the times manually in the text editor*, I'm hoping that the next update will allow mapmakers to utilize this feature inside the level editor in-game.
[ * For those unaware, you can delay a teleporter from becoming usable again like so:
This causes the teleporter to become active again after six seconds, rather than the usual one second. ]
I see no issue with putting this feature entirely out in the open, as the one oversight surrounding it (which crashed servers) has been resolved. (As ahhh … kaen probably remembers very distinctly)
It's truly a fantastic feature, better allowing mapmakers to modify the flow of gameplay as they see fit. My personal favorite trick is to put a delay on the teleporter that takes players from spawn to the rest of the level, thus effectively giving players a spawn time. Simple, but effective. I'm sure there are many other great potential uses.
† 19-year-old Quartz mad about lawn removal †
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer