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Anything Goes Contest: Review Thread



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Post Thu Jun 10, 2021 1:12 pm

Anything Goes Contest: Review Thread

Thanks to everyone who submitted levels and played in the last couple contest parties! This contest has been a lot of fun so far. :)

Last week I posted a thread for feedback, ie. improvements levelmakers could consider to improve their levels and be better levelmakers. This thread is now intended to share reviews and overall thoughts on each level!

The Levels - *has levelgen **received revision
  • An Ode to Synthwave (ZC)
  • Anchor (RET)**
  • Assault (RET)**
  • Boss Battles (RET/Offense Defense)* (Voting ineligible)
  • Chaos Theory (NEX)**
  • Clogged Pipes (CTF)**
  • Construction (CTF)* (Voting ineligible)
  • Containment (COR/Soccer-ish) (Voting ineligible)
  • Death Bump (HTF)* **
    Additional images: 1-4 Players and 9+ Players
  • Definitely (COR)
  • Forcefield Fortress (CTF)
  • Geode (RET)
  • LED But Worse (HTF)
  • Nested (RET)* **
  • Pep Pep Er Oni (BM)
  • Rave for Downers (BM)*
  • Release the Kraken (CTF)** (Voting ineligible)
  • Ridge (CTF)
  • Rigatony Rugby (COR/Soccer-ish) (Voting ineligible)
  • Spawn Tax (SOC/Race)
  • Super Smash Hoes (BM/Survival)*
  • The Level You'll Vote For (COR)**
  • Zombies Survival III (COR/Survival)

Review Template
[b][color=#FFA500]An Ode to Synthwave (ZC)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Anchor (RET)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Assault (RET)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Boss Battles (RET/Offense Defense) (Voting ineligible)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Chaos Theory (NEX)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Clogged Pipes (CTF)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Construction (CTF) (Voting ineligible)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Containment (COR/Soccer-ish) (Voting ineligible)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Death Bump (HTF)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Definitely (COR)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Forcefield Fortress (CTF)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Geode (RET)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]LED But Worse (HTF)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Nested (RET)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Pep Pep Er Oni (BM)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Rave for Downers (BM)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Release the Kraken (CTF) (Voting ineligible)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Ridge (CTF)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Rigatoni Rugby (COR/Soccer-ish) (Voting ineligible)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Spawn Tax (SOC/Race)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Super Smash Hoes (BM/Survival)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]The Level You'll Vote For (COR)[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FFA500]Zombies Survival III (COR/Survival)[/color][/b]

edit: added the remaining voting ineligible levels
Last edited by sky_lark on Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:30 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post Thu Jun 10, 2021 10:25 pm

Re: Anything Goes Contest: Review Thread

An Ode to Synthwave (ZC)
This is a beautifully made piece of artwork, and the gameplay isn't that bad either. The pathways you have to take to get to the middle aren't very intuitive, and I found myself getting turned around a few times, but I got the hang of it quickly enough. I feel like this map should be an album cover for something. 8/10

Anchor (RET)
Simple enough 3-team retrieve with an lot of curve tool. I thought the speedzones were a great improvement from the first version, but as stated in the previous thread by sky_lark I think, having engineer on a curve tool map doesn't do a lot haha I'd probably fix that. Pretty fun to play though even without that working! 7/10

Assault (RET)
This map is fun for the first one or two plays and then once everyone gets the strategy it's either extremely frustrating or a perfect example of clutch teamwork. I experienced both extremes during the parties, but mostly the frustration haha. Only thing I think could maybe help this is a spawn delay? But that might just diminish the clutch feelings of scoring amidst enemies. 6/10

Chaos Theory (NEX)
This looks like someone just drew random lines and then copy/paste/flipped them, but that might be what the theme of it is anyways. numbers definitely has the meta for this map down so well it's scary. Like sky_lark also said, maybe make less flags spawn so combat is more encouraged. It's pretty fun even if numbers always wins though! 8/10

Clogged Pipes (CTF)
This map is like the worst enemy of my loadouts. Shield is all but required. I think the revision put less resource items but I'm not sure. Cool design but ultimately very frustrating how you basically need to two man someone to get the flag back because they can just run and clog you behind stuff. 6/10

Death Bump (HTF)
I wanted to like this map so bad, because the concept is so cool, but I feel like either I'm just stupid or most of the map is largely inaccessible. I do like that you can't shoot people, makes for an interesting speed burst dynamic. 6/10

Definitely (COR)
At first this map annoyed me but I grew to enjoy it. It can either go extremely quick or go to the last second. Very simple but very fun. 8/10

Forcefield Fortress (CTF)
This is another pretty cool concept with the one way forcefields, but it can quickly become one sided if someone gets a lead, because having the forcefields makes or breaks your team. Overall I enjoyed it though because I won every time haha 7/10

Geode (RET)
This map hurts my eyes and I don't know where anything is and I die a lot. I'm sorry you evidently put so much work into this map geometrically but I can't. 4/10

LED But Worse (HTF)
Haha why do I feel like this map is talking about me. It says "But Worse" but I actually think it's a pretty cool improvement upon the concept, maybe even Sequel worthy. Turned it into an HTF instead of a 4 flag RET which is probably for the best. Enjoyed it even though I got whooped on it. 9/10

Nested (RET)
This map has a really neat minimap that I can't seem to read accurately as I was lost constantly. Do this again but with a map that makes sense. Also why are there lines everywhere? 5/10

Pep Pep Er Oni (BM)
lol was this made by a hungry child? Only some of the pepperoni let you change loadouts for some reason. Really simple BM but I had fun on it at least. Maybe I just like simple stuff? 7/10

Rave for Downers (BM)
Too many teams and a surprising amount of straight passages for a map full of words. The most complicated map with the most simplistic gameplay lol but maybe that's the meme? 6/10

Release the Kraken (CTF) (Voting ineligible)
I love this map and I don't even fully understand why. It was fun spending the whole time just making sure the Kraken was always released in the enemy base haha! Really interesting concept and fun to play! 9/10

Ridge (CTF)
Another map where it's impossible to catch the person with the flag because they can just zoop into a forcefield lol y u do dis 3/10

Spawn Tax (SOC/Race)
I only actually got to really play this once I think and it was surprisingly fun. I like how you start in the negatives and have to catch up. Very interesting to play. 7/10

Super Smash Hoes (BM/Survival)
Smash Bros! I love it! I really need to start making some maps with this levelgen haha! 9/10

The Level You'll Vote For (COR)
How about no 2/10

Zombies Survival III (COR/Survival)
Another map that I love unconditionally just because of the concept. Just keep making these. 9/10
raptor wrote:Sorry Skybax, I hijacked your signature so I could post lots of info.
Whittling While wrote:Does this mean I finally get quoted in someone's signature?
watusimoto wrote:Who are the devs around here?!?


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Post Fri Jun 11, 2021 12:37 am

Re: Anything Goes Contest: Review Thread

I don't usually rate but Imma give it a shot! Will rate on three categories: Design, Aesthetics, and Fun!

An Ode to Synthwave (ZC)
Design: 4/5
Aesthetics: 5/5
Fun: 4/5
Total: 13/15

Gorgeous map, plays reasonably well, but I wish the design elements could be incorporated into the main area more, as you don't really see them too much except when respawning or viewing commanders map.

Anchor (RET)
Design: 3/5
Aesthetics: 4/5
Fun: 3/5
Total: 10/15

Three team levels are always tough so props for taking on the challenge! Definitely an interesting level, not sure if blue has an advantage or disadvantage being in the middle. Love the speedzones, just wish I could engineer in more locations (or repair stuff) to stop the constant onslaught of enemies.

Assault (RET)
Design: 4/5
Aesthetics: 3/5
Fun: 4/5
Total: 11/15

So we've only played this map with 2v2 really (maybe some 3v2) and it's a pretty interesting chess match-style map with those kinds of numbers. Have to time everything just right, tons of strategy, I dig it. Would like to see this with more people, ie. 4v4 or 5v5, could be super interesting.

Chaos Theory (NEX)
Design: 3/5
Aesthetics: 4/5
Fun: 3/5
Total: 10/15

The map looks really cool, but the forcefield emitter placement is a tad irritating blocking certain channels and I wish the flag deposits were either minimized or spread out more. But I do like the idea of a "kill-confirmed" type game mode put into action and I think this has potential!

Clogged Pipes (CTF)
Design: 3/5
Aesthetics: 3/5
Fun: 3/5
Total: 9/15

I'm a sucker for narrow crazy maps (Hamster's Plumbing anyone? Bridge?) so I have had fun playing this, however it can be quite tough to get your flag back or chase down enemies. Might be more interesting with like half the resource items, but that might also hamper the feature, so dunno.

Death Bump (HTF)
Design: 4/5
Aesthetics: 4/5
Fun: 4/5
Total: 12/15

Interesting mechanic not being able to fire and having to get creative in order to eliminate enemies. Also having different restrictions for different sizes of groups. It can be a little tough to catch up once trailing hard, and does get repetitive over time, but an intriguing concept for sure.

Definitely (COR)
Design: 3/5
Aesthetics: 3/5
Fun: 4/5
Total: 10/15

Very simple core map, but nothing wrong with simple! The non-rotating cores are pretty interesting, makes for a tough challenge trying to line up a burst or bouncer just right. I like how we get to choose whether we want to block a lane with the testitems or let them float around.

Forcefield Fortress (CTF)
Design: 5/5
Aesthetics: 4/5
Fun: 5/5
Total: 14/15

One of my favorite maps, plays super well, very simple yet a lot of fun and strategy involved. It can be a bit tough to come back once in a deficit, and I'd be interesting to see how it plays with more people, but I'm a fan. Will definitely like to see this in rotation at future BBBs and events.

Geode (RET)
Design: 3/5
Aesthetics: 5/5
Fun: 3/5
Total: 11/15

Visually stunning map, and I give props for trying a three team map! However I think this would be better as a two team map and perhaps some more contrast since it can be tough to distinguish enemies from teammates and walls from empty space.

LED But Worse (HTF)
Design: 4/5
Aesthetics: 3/5
Fun: 4/5
Total: 11/15

Honestly this map is designed pretty well, the score limit is just too low / the flag counter is too high, so it ends very quickly unless you're on your toes. We have had some interesting strategic games where we had to come down from a deficit and basically held onto one flag while picking up and dropping the enemies' 3 flags, was cool.

Nested (RET)
Design: 5/5
Aesthetics: 5/5
Fun: 3/5
Total: 13/15

I'm not a terribly big fan of 3 flag retrieves given how hard they can be to cap. But this is a ridiculously cool map, from the minimap to the general design, feels very sci-fi and future-y. This and Ode to Synthwave and Level You'll Vote For have super cool sci-fi/dystopian/futuristic vibes going on that I'd love to see explored in the future.

Pep Pep Er Oni (BM)
Design: 3/5
Aesthetics: 4/5
Fun: 2/5
Total: 9/15

Very simple bitmatch, I'm not a huge fan of the loadout access but the visuals are quite creative!

Rave for Downers (BM)
Design: 3/5
Aesthetics: 3/5
Fun: 2/5
Total: 8/15

Aside from the preposterousness of spitting on Daft Punk's name, this is a decent simple bitmatch. A little bit too abstract for my taste (portals, loadout zones, etc) but it plays reasonably well.

Release the Kraken (CTF) (Voting ineligible)
Design: 4/5
Aesthetics: 3/5
Fun: 4/5
Total: 11/15

Interesting concept with the release button and bots to muck up the enemies, has some Endless War vibes. A bit too tough to steal the flag but has a cool concept for defenders catching up if they got mucked about by the kraken bots.

Ridge (CTF)
Design: 5/5
Aesthetics: 4/5
Fun: 5/5
Total: 14/15

One of the most fun levels in this contest. Will definitely see this being worked into future rotations. Honestly might not even need the engineer, didn't find myself using it very much, rare to see a level play so well that engineer ends up receiving less focus during play!

Spawn Tax (SOC/Race)
Design: 5/5
Aesthetics: 4/5
Fun: 4/5
Total: 13/15

Very creative idea and very smoothly executed, I'm impressed. Figured out a way to not only have a spawn tax but also have a race mechanic for scoring the other way. Not a huge fan of the waiting room, but overall a big fan of this level.

Super Smash Hoes (BM/Survival)
Design: 5/5
Aesthetics: 4/5
Fun: 4/5
Total: 13/15

Really well-designed sequel to the previous Smash Bros level! A lot tougher to camp/hide from enemies in this one which is nice for balance.

The Level You'll Vote For (COR)
Design: 3/5
Aesthetics: 5/5
Fun: 3/5
Total: 11/15

Haha nice name. I love the visuals, has a cool dystopian vibe similar to some of the other levels in here. It doesn't play terribly well unfortunately, but that's true for a lot of core levels. It's just tough to make a good core level. That said I've had fun playing it each time so not complaining!

Zombies Survival III (COR/Survival)
Design: 4/5
Aesthetics: 3/5
Fun: 5/5
Total: 12/15

I'm a sucker for survival type maps and am a big fan of the zombie survival series! This is definitely the best of the series thus far, has a bit of everything to it. That said the maps as a whole can be a bit confusing to newbies if you're not aware you need to go destroy cores at the end, and I'd also really think a second core entrance would help make zombie camping a thing of the past.

Great work everyone!!

My top picks: An Ode to Synthwave, Forcefield Fortress, Nested, Ridge
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Post Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:09 am

Re: Anything Goes Contest: Review Thread

An Ode to Synthwave (ZC)
4/5 design
5/5 aesthetics
4/5 fun
3/5 theme cohesion
16/20 total

love the art! it's pretty fun to sensorboost along the passages, though i never bothered to go to the side passagest to do whatever it was up there.

Anchor (RET)
3/5 design
3/5 aesthetics
3/5 fun
4/5 theme cohesion
13/20 total

there weren't any glaring mistakes but this one's pretty mediocre and the fact that the side passages dont form a perfect circle bugs my geometry brain.

Assault (RET)
4/5 design
3/5 aesthetics
2/5 fun
4/5 theme cohesion
13/20 total

this one is a SLOG and an understanding that that's kinda the point doesn't help. the score limit might as well be two becuase that's all anyone will ever get with the usual amount of players. and god forbid a 1v1 match. sure sure it's all strategic and the like and i admire the thing this level was going for but Holy Crap it's such an undertaking to get anything done.

Chaos Theory (NEX)
3/5 design
4/5 aesthetics
4/5 fun
4/5 theme cohesion
15/20 total

totally not biased because i win this level almost every time (and when i dont its very close). but genuinely, this level looks cool, plays cool, and is themed cool. good job! maybe nerf the caches a bit (or a lot) so i can't sensorboost or otherwise deathwarp around to get them all and win instantly.

Clogged Pipes (CTF)
3/5 design
4/5 aesthetics
3/5 fun
5/5 theme cohesion
14/20 total
this map isn't too good either. the hexagons look nice and the theme cohesion is absolutely spot-on ("this map is about the tragedy of the commons" is genius and the pipes could not be more clogged) but it's kinda bad! the 3-minute timer is merciful though. the fact that you can completely block someone from going forward if they don't know what's happening is pretty cool though

Death Bump (HTF)
5/5 design
5/5 aesthetics
5/5 fun
5/5 theme cohesion
20/20 total

i was originally thinking i didn't think too much of this level but when i have to put my ratings on paper this map is pretty Got Dammed genius. the playercount considerations, the art, the gameplay, the only issue is-- wait you fixed the issues with getting out of bounds and i only became aware of that as of writing because you hid it so well? i should of expected that but holy shit.

Definitely (COR)
3/5 design
3/5 aesthetics
3/5 fun
2/5 theme cohesion
11/20 total

i don't like this map. it doesn't look too good (feels like the art (or lack thereof, me when i nested parentheses) was an afterthough), it doesnt play too good (feels like the nonrotating cores were an afterthought), and it doesnt fun too good (you cant use fun as a verb). oh and also 'definitely a map' doesn't actually relate to the map itself other than how bad it is? do better.

Forcefield Fortress (CTF)
3/5 design
3/5 aesthetics
2/5 fun
4/5 theme cohesion
13/20 total

this map is okay i guess but for one, i forget about the usefulness of repair in these kinds of maps, and two, there isn't much aside from repairing. what can i do. i guess the title relates to the map?

Geode (RET)
3/5 design
5/5 aesthetics
4/5 fun
5/5 theme cohesion
17/20 total

really love the geometric art and color theory of this map (did you make this for me?) but the design suffers. the three flags is implemented jankily, the teleporters in the bottom left get zero traffic whatsoever, and, while it surprisingly doesn't bug me, (maybe sensor also gives me sensory filtering powers?) the lines create a ton of visual noise for everyone else. theme is on point though.

LED But Worse (HTF)
4/5 design
5/5 aesthetics
3/5 fun
5/5 theme cohesion
16/20 total

this map isn't fun but oh boy does the lampshading make up for it. im bumping aesthetics up by one point because this map is really funny and technically theme cohesion can be filed under aesthetics. you slapped two LED's together and put a bridge in the middle and called it a day! it's not the kind of humor that hits you in the face, it gets you once you mull over it a bit. aside from the funnies this map is designed pretty well but there's nothing much to say on how fun it is.

Nested (RET)
3/5 design
4/5 aesthetics
4/5 fun
5/5 theme cohesion
16/20 total

i really really like the adaptation of the levelgen from The Mirror. the nesting effect with the lines for where the portals lead to (and also for the wall in the spawn area) and the line stuff for the walls makes it perfect. and the geometric walls and stuff really help to make the map. the design falls a bit flat. also some elements show your hand a bit so macybe don't do that in the future

Pep Pep Er Oni (BM)
4/5 design
5/5 aesthetics
5/5 fun
5/5 theme cohesion
19/20 total

fun little map! i got the loadout gimmick real quick and its fun to go about and do a little zapping. theme cohesion is golden with the loadoutzones representing the pepperoni (and also hiding the walls you used to keep them stationary! don't think i don't know the tools of the trade). the angle is still messy but that's neither here nor there (but if you dont fix it after the contest i will notice it every time and point it out every time)

Rave for Downers (BM)
3/5 design
3/5 aesthetics
4/5 fun
3/5 theme cohesion
13/20 total

spamming the portals is fun but most of the other parts of this map kinda kick it into the grave. the amongus meme messes up the theme cohesion too. that's pretty Sus would'nt you say, you Im Poster??? sus amogus amongous sus amoguns imposters got amognus drip sus su s soos sus sussy sus picious sus amongus sus from amongus social deduction game sus amongus sus sus red vented red sus vent vemt like im among us amongus imposter drip sus


Release the Kraken (CTF) (Voting ineligible)
/5 design
/5 aesthetics
/5 fun
/5 theme cohesion
/20 total

Ridge (CTF)
/5 design
/5 aesthetics
/5 fun
/5 theme cohesion
/20 total

Spawn Tax (SOC/Race)
/5 design
/5 aesthetics
/5 fun
/5 theme cohesion
/20 total

Super Smash Hoes (BM/Survival)
/5 design
/5 aesthetics
/5 fun
/5 theme cohesion
/20 total

The Level You'll Vote For (COR)
/5 design
/5 aesthetics
/5 fun
/5 theme cohesion
/20 total

Zombies Survival III (COR/Survival)
/5 design
/5 aesthetics
/5 fun
/5 theme cohesion
/20 total


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Post Fri Jun 11, 2021 10:10 am

Re: Anything Goes Contest: Review Thread

An Ode to Synthwave (ZC) A very pretty map, the middle area is fairly casual but solid zone control. I don't love all the pretty line work being on the outside of the map, but then it'd be far too much visual noise to play inside all of that. 9/10

Anchor (RET) It's like someone took my "Political Parties" map seriously. Bottom/middle team is always gonna get picked on the most, so this is an immediate yikes from me. 3/10

Assault (RET) Clever but frustrating. I think it's well done but it can definitely be stalemate city. Lower the score limit. 5/10

Chaos Theory (NEX) It's a Nexus map where getting flag caches is more important than killing ... I don't love that concept, but this one pulls it off better than any other map in recent memory, so good job. 6/10

Clogged Pipes (CTF) Great graphics, infuriating gameplay. Thankful for the short timer but still, this is taking bottlenecks to a whole other level and it's not fun. 2/10

Death Bump (HTF) Extremely unique, I just never really enjoyed myself to be honest. Depending on how many maps we can vote for, I may vote for it regardless because it is well designed and inspired. 5/10

Definitely (COR) It needs loadout zones so you can actually choose between using Bouncer or Burst to take out the stationary cores without offing yourself first. 3/10

Forcefield Fortress (CTF) This is one of the better attempts at this concept for sure. I like that the forcefields DON'T regenerate, so someone has to actually commit to repairing them, which is a worthwhile thing to do. I enjoyed this map for the most part! 7/10

Geode (RET) A very pretty map that's really hard to see what's going on in. I love the concept, the style, and even the way asteroids are integrated ... I'd suggest changing the team colors to contrast with each other more for gameplay's sake, but then the whole vibe would be thrown off. Not really sure of the solution here, it's just too busy. 5/10

LED But Worse (HTF) There's nothing wrong with the score going up so fast when the score limit is so high. HTF can be a slog, so if a team gets all or most of the flags right off the bat, yeah, they can win pretty quick – that's called mercy. That aside, this just isn't a special or interesting map. I enjoy the dig at Skybax of course. 4/10

Nested (RET) It doesn't play very well but the mini map in the center is absolutely god-tier. For that alone, VERY well done! 5/10

Pep Pep Er Oni (BM) The loadout zones actually working or not seems pretty inconsistent so you might use the scale tool (CTRL+x) to blow 'em up juuuust a tiny bit. Not a very inspiring or amazing map but it's an OK little break map. 5/10

Rave for Downers (BM) Controversial for sure! And a garbage excuse for gameplay, whooo! 2/10

Release the Kraken (CTF) (Voting ineligible) Haven't had the chance to play. this, not really sure it matters!

Ridge (CTF) This is a decent usage of the "travel inside the wall" concept. Plays like a pretty good CTF where attacking and defending are both rewarding. Good job. 9/10

Spawn Tax (SOC/Race) Trash and too easy to break. 1/10

Super Smashed Hoes (BM/Survival) A much better usage of bobdaduck's Smash Bros script than the previous effort. I also appreciate the Smash logo being an H, for "hoes" presumably. Classy stuff right there. 8/10

The Level You'll Vote For (COR) No, I don't think I will. OK but for real, decent map, I love me some three-prong. Nothing terribly special but it works OK. I don't think making the swirls solid walls would work as others have suggested, because then people could just tuck themselves into a little corner and fire away while defenders have to find your exact hallway to come kill you. It's very frustrating when Core maps enable this sort of strategy. 6/10

Zombies Survival III (COR/Survival) The first one of these was amusing just because the concept hadn't been done for a long while, and it finally worked a lot better thanks to the Core team redistribution deal. The second one was pointless retreading of old ground, and the third one is much the same. There is nothing unique about II or III that warrants a II or III. I'd also appreciate if Engineer were more readily available instead of just repairing stuff, because then you have to actually use your brain a little and not just bunker into a pre-fabricated corner. 3/10
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