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From Bitfighter
(General Bugs)
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To view and report bugs, go to http://code.google.com/p/bitfighter/issues/list
This is list of our current high-priority bugs for Bitfighter. 
Not all issues belong on this list -- only those that are a high priority for the next release.  Other cases should be added to the [https://code.google.com/p/bitfighter/issues/list Google Code bug tracker].
1. Check paths in diagnostics page (press F7 twice, page 2), bad paths and missing level, scripts, bots, editor plugins on mac OS version.
===General Bugs===
# Joining a game already running won't show your badges in the scoreboard until next level.  Existing clients get info on the joiner, but joiner doesn't get the full 411 on the existing players.  GameType::serverAddClient::s2cAddClient isn't sending proper badge info to joiner.
#: (sam686) The install version have bficon.bmp with bitfighter.exe, while your stand alone version may be missing bficon.bmp in exe folder, bficon.bmp is in resource folder.  Try putting bficon.bmp to where your exe is to allow your standalone to have icon.
# Fix (or kill) /suspend command
# Scripting bug: items should have consistent userdatas throughout the game.  Test with player enter zone/player exit zone.  Ids should be the same, but aren't.  Example: 'ship' userdata is different in enteredZone and leftZone events for the same ship
# Figure out how to get ids working properly with walls/polywalls
# Levelgen: Having addItem() in main() may randomly fail on repeated ctrl+R in editor or repeated level restart, showing message "***LEVELGEN ERROR*** Error encountered while attempting to run script's main() function: ***.levelgen:44: attempt to call missing or unknown method 'addItem' (a nil value).  Aborting script."
#:I was unable to reproduce, we need a test case [[User:Kaen|Kaen]] 01:33, 31 December 2012 (MSK)
#:<code>-- for bug #33 from sam686<br>function main()<br>&nbsp; for x = 0, 20 do<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; for y = 0, 20 do<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; item2 = ResourceItem.new()<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;  item2:setGeom(x * 100, y * 100)<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; levelgen:addItem(item2)<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; textitem = TextItem.new()<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; textitem:setText(x .. "," .. y)<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; textitem:setGeom(x * 100, y * 100, x * 100 + 100, y * 100)<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; levelgen:addItem(textitem)<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; end<br>&nbsp; end<br>end</code>
# Can't kill your own turrets with burst weapon (like you can on older 017) - why? (other weapons works fine)
#:The reason is that burst weapons (unlike projectile weapons) call <tt>Zap::GameType::objectCanDamageObject()</tt> before dealing damage. In this function a check is performed for the value of <tt>GameWeapon::weaponInfo[weaponType].canDamageTeammate</tt> which is false for bursts, mines, and spybugs. [[User:Kaen|Kaen]] 02:56, 31 December 2012 (MSK)
# When joining a game, a player should go to the team with the most bots on it already
# Test bots correctly join a team that has fewer players
# When teleporting on top of walls (layered walls?) sometimes a player gets stuck and cannot move or commit suicide
# <del>Cannot move forcefield further along the wall to the right in this picture:  http://sam6.25u.com/upload/5screenshot_4.png  Issue is in EngineeredItem::findAnchorPointAndNormal() </del>
# the /next command takes into account min/max players; /prev command does not. What should the default behavior be here?

Latest revision as of 21:29, 15 November 2014

To view and report bugs, go to http://code.google.com/p/bitfighter/issues/list


1. Check paths in diagnostics page (press F7 twice, page 2), bad paths and missing level, scripts, bots, editor plugins on mac OS version.