Difference between revisions of "Running Bug List"

From Bitfighter
(General Bugs)
(General Bugs)
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#* How to document the global enums 'WeaponInfo' 'ModuleInfo'?
#* How to document the global enums 'WeaponInfo' 'ModuleInfo'?
# Bobdaduck's Lua API crashes:
# Bobdaduck's Lua API crashes:
#* create and delete a spybug each tick, then shoot the spybug.  crash!
#* create and delete a spybug each tick, then shoot the spybug.  crash! See:  http://pastie.org/7818433
# Improve screen for loading levels in editor -- perhaps general keyword search, or options for picking by author/title/file, or perhaps navigating a folder tree
# Improve screen for loading levels in editor -- perhaps general keyword search, or options for picking by author/title/file, or perhaps navigating a folder tree
# Remove access to dangerous Lua libraries (esp. os and io)  See http://lua-users.org/wiki/SandBoxes for ideas.
# Remove access to dangerous Lua libraries (esp. os and io)  See http://lua-users.org/wiki/SandBoxes for ideas.

Revision as of 09:21, 8 May 2013

This is list of our current high-priority bugs for Bitfighter.

Not all issues belong on this list -- only those that are a high priority for the next release. Other cases should be added to the Google Code bug tracker.

General Bugs

  1. Joining a game already running won't show your badges in the scoreboard until next level. Existing clients get info on the joiner, but joiner doesn't get the full 411 on the existing players. GameType::serverAddClient::s2cAddClient isn't sending proper badge info to joiner.
  2. Fix (or kill) /suspend command. Removed client-side by raptor Do we need to remove the server ability to suspend client?
  3. Figure out how to get ids working properly with walls/polywalls
  4. Fix memory leak with robots/levelgen because of disabling every luaW_hold<T>(L, obj); --> use reference counting to delete proxy when appropriate, and reenable this line
  5. Disable fast regen when standing still trying to build something with engineer
  6. Clean-up master chat commands. Add consistency; /raptor -> /pm raptor etc.
  7. Lua API doc fixes:
  8. Bobdaduck's Lua API crashes:
  9. Improve screen for loading levels in editor -- perhaps general keyword search, or options for picking by author/title/file, or perhaps navigating a folder tree
  10. Remove access to dangerous Lua libraries (esp. os and io) See http://lua-users.org/wiki/SandBoxes for ideas.
  11. Bot balancing bug: 3 people join on two teams, balance to 6 players. then all humans go on the same team. Result: bots's don't rebalance and you're left with 4 on 2.
  12. Sneaking suspicion that if one client is spawnDelayed, the server is delayed too
  13. Render order issues:
    • ships render under flags
    • Objective arrows rendering on top of F2 display
    • server messages/ loadout boxes render on top of F2 level info display
  14. bitfighter.ini [QuickChatMessages] is empty with missing comments after a newer version of Bitfighter is run, when "[Settings] version=" is older. Comments only appears after "[QuickChatMessages]" is removed and bitfighter is run.
  15. Engineer needlessly uses energy here: http://sam6.25u.com/upload/text1304/130414_17-04-58.txt
  16. When running with no joysticks attached, get this message on the system console: Error opening joystick 1 [(null)]
  17. /showzones spikes CPU on commander's map (bug in 018a, too) (only on maps with lots and lots of zones)
  18. Font artifacts still exist? Switch screen modes make them apparent in-game
  19. Leaving a level hosted in the editor triggers botzone building again. Trace of when it is called: http://pastie.org/7669397 Does not happen in 018a
  20. Refine graphics for asteroid spawners
  21. Scoreboard should be fancy box?
  22. /idle always respawns you after 5 seconds (no key press needed)
  23. in onShipLeftZone/etc. events with 'ship' object, either the ship or the ship:getPlayerInfo() doesn't return the same userdata object each time anymore
  24. pressing F5 for global chat in-game is broken
    Watusimoto 18:58, 28 April 2013 (MSK) F5 loads the chat window properly on my latest build (did not test functionality beyond that), It's because uiManager->isCurrentUI(NameEntryUI) is returning 'true' in UserInterface::onKeyDown(), I don't know why yet..
  25. If you get kicked from a server while idle, when you rejoin, you're stuck in 'press any key to continue' mode
  26. Weird segfaults when shutting down the game after using the editor for a while:
  27. Crash within the editor itself, drag-selecting all objects in this level: http://pastie.org/pastes/7739089/text gives this crash: http://pastie.org/pastes/7739078/text
  28. Add onPlayerTeamChanged event?

Things to test after next lua rewrite

  1. Levelgen: Having addItem() in main() may randomly fail on repeated ctrl+R in editor or repeated level restart, showing message "***LEVELGEN ERROR*** Error encountered while attempting to run script's main() function: ***.levelgen:44: attempt to call missing or unknown method 'addItem' (a nil value). Aborting script."
    -- for bug #33 from sam686
    function main()
      for x = 0, 20 do
        for y = 0, 20 do
          item2 = ResourceItem.new()
          item2:setGeom(x * 100, y * 100)
          textitem = TextItem.new()
          textitem:setText(x .. "," .. y)
          textitem:setGeom(x * 100, y * 100, x * 100 + 100, y * 100)