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Watusimoto (Talk | contribs) (New page: <h1>Bitfighter Readme</h1> Here is the current readme file that's distributed with Bitfighter. Please help improve it! From time to time, we'll take a snapshot of this page and use it t...) |
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Latest revision as of 19:22, 22 November 2010
Bitfighter Readme
Here is the current readme file that's distributed with Bitfighter. Please help improve it! From time to time, we'll take a snapshot of this page and use it to update the readme in the distribution package.
Bitfighter 014
Introduction ------------ Welcome to Bitfighter, the retro multiplayer team action game! Bitfighter is a game of action and strategy. In Bitfighter, the goal of the game varies from level to level, from the following game types: Capture the Flag - Team game where the objective is to take the enemy's flag and return it to your flag. Each capture earns your team one point. Take care to defend your flag from the enemy -- you can only score if it is at home! Soccer - Team game where the objective is to move the white circle (the ball) into the goal of the opponent's color. Zone Control - Team game with a single flag and multiple "capture zone" areas. The goal of the game is to escort a team member carrying the flag to each of the capture zones in the map. When a capture zone is entered by the flag carrier, the zone turns to that team's color and the team scores a point. If the capture zone was already owned by a different team, the team that lost the zone loses a point. If all the zones on the level are captured by a single team, that scores a "touchdown", and the zones and flag reset. Retrieve - In Retrieve, one or more flags are scattered throughout the level. Teams compete to bring these flags back to team-colored goal zones. Each retrieved flag is worth one point to the capturing team. If a team retrieves all the flags on the level, the team keeps the points for the flags and the flags reset to their original locations. Nexus - Solo or team game where the objective is to collect flags from other players and return them to the Nexus for points. Each player starts with one flag, and drops it if he or she is zapped. Scoring in Hunters is based on how many flags the player is carrying when touching the open Nexus. The first flag is worth one point, the second is worth two, the third 3, and so on. So the total value of capturing 5 flags would be 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15 points. If the Nexus is dark, it is closed -- the upper timer in the lower right corner counts down to when it will next be open. Rabbit - Solo game wherein there is one flag that all players are fighting to control. Players accumulate points by holding the flag, zapping the flag carrier or zapping other players while holding the flag. Bitmatch - Solo or team game, often of short duration between levels. Just zap as many other players as you can! Pay special attention to the triangular arrows that move in an ellipse around the screen -- these indicate the direction to specific game objectives, including flags to retrieve, zones to capture and friendly or enemy players carrying flags. Ship configuration: Each ship can be configured with 2 modules and 3 weapons. Pressing the loadout select screen allows the player to choose the next loadout for his or her ship. This loadout will not become available until the player either flies over a resupply area (team-color-coded patch), or respawns (only if there are no resupply areas on the level). Modules are special powers that can be activated by pressing the appropriate module activation key. The modules in Bitfighter, and their function are: 1. Boost - Gives the ship a boost of speed 2. Shield - Creates a defensive barrier around the ship that reflects shots 3. Repair - Repairs self and nearby teammates that are damaged 4. Sensor - Boosts the screen visible distance of the player 5. Cloak - Turns the ship invisible Controls: w - move up S - move down A - move left D - move right T - chat to team G - chat global V - open quick chat menu R - record voice chat C - toggle commander map SPACE - activate primary module (default = boost) SHIFT - activate secondary module (default = shield) TAB - show scores E - next weapon Z - select weapon and module loadout Mouse: Mouse button 1 - fire weapon Mouse button 2 - activate secondary module Dual-Analog Controller: Left stick - move Right stick - aim and fire Buttons (Logitech Wingman Cordless) A - cycle to next weapon B - toggle commander map C - open quick chat menu X - select weapon and module loadout Y - show scores Z - record voice right trigger - activate primary module (default = boost) left trigger - activate secondary module (default = shield) Logitech Dual Action 1 - cycle to next weapon 2 - toggle commander map 3 - open quick chat menu 4 - select weapon and module loadout 5 - activate primary module (default = boost) 6 - activate secondary module (default = shield) 7 - show scores 8 - record voice Saitek P880 Dual Analog 1 - cycle to next weapon 2 - toggle commander map 3 - open quick chat menu 4 - select weapon and module loadout 5 - show scores 6 - record voice right trigger - activate primary module (default = boost) left trigger - activate secondary module (default = shield) PS 2 Dual Shock w/USB X or depress right stick - cycle to next weapon O - toggle commander map square - open quick chat menu triangle - select weapon and module loadout R1 - activate primary module (default = boost) L1 - activate secondary module (default = shield) L2 - show scores R2 - record voice XBox controller A (green) - cycle to weapon B (red) - toggle commander map X (blue) - open quick chat menu Y (yellow) - select weapon and module loadout white - show scores black - record voice right trigger - activate primary module (default = boost) left trigger - activate secondary module (default = shield) In the game you can press ESC to go to the game options screen. From there you can access the main options which include setting full screen mode, enabling relative controls and on the Windows platform enabling dual analog controller support. Command Line Options: Note - Bitfighter addresses are of the form transport:address:port like: IP: or IP:Any:28000 or IP:www.foobar.com:24601 -server [bindAddress] hosts a game server/client on the specified bind address. -master [masterAddress] specfies the address of the master server to connect to. -dedicated [bindAddress] starts Zap as a dedicated server -name [playerName] sets the client's name to the specified name and skips the name entry screen. -levels ["level1 level2 level3 ... leveln"] sets the specified level rotation for games -hostname [hostname] sets the name that will appear in the server browser when searching for servers. -maxplayers [number] sets the maximum number of players allowed on the server -password [password] sets the password for access to the server. -adminpassword [password] sets the administrator password for the server. -levelchangepassword [password] sets the password that allows players to change levels on server. -joystick [joystickType] enables dual analog control pad. The joystickType argument can be either 0, 1 or 2. If the right stick doesn't aim shots properly with 0, try 1 or 2. Known controllers: Logitech Wingman cordless - joystick 0 Logitech Dual Action - joystick 1 Saitek P880 Dual Analog - joystick 2 PS 2 Dual Shock w/USB - joystick 3 XBox controller - joystick 4 -jsave [journalName] saves the log of the play session to the specified journal file. -jplay [journalName] replays a saved journal. Level editor instructions: Currently the level editor allows you to edit the barrier and level objects within levels. Mouse functions: Left-click - select and move. Clicking on vertices allows movement of verts, clicking on edges allows movement of the entire barrier border. To move a vertex or border, click and hold as you drag the object around. Left click also completes a new barrier border. If no object is under the mouse, left-clicking will create a drag selection box for selecting multiple objects. Holding down the shift key also allows multiple selection of objects. Right-click - add barrier vertex. If right clicking on an existing barrier edge, this will insert a new vertex along that edge at the click point. Otherwise this either begins a new barrier border or adds a new vertex to the current new barrier border. Keyboard functions: W - scroll map up S - scroll map down A - scroll map left D - scroll map right C - zoom out E - zoom in R - reset view to 0,0 in the top left corner F - flip current selection horizontally V - flip current selection vertically 0...9 - set the active team for item construction. This will also set the team of any selected objects T - construct a Teleporter at the mouse point G - construct a Spawn point at the mouse point B - construct a RepairItem at the mouse point Y - construct a Turret at the mouse point H - construct a Force Field projector at the mouse point M - construct a Mine at mouse point CTRL-D - duplicate current selection CTRL-Z - undo last operation ESC - bring up editor menu Bitfighter is free software based off of the ZAP source code.