Ideas for triggers
From Bitfighter
Revision as of 16:18, 13 March 2010 by UnknownJoe (Talk | contribs)
A working list of ideas for triggers that could cause execution of code in a robot or supervisor script. Remember that robots are a kind of ship, so, generally, there's no need differentiate the two. //Unknown: Would this be easier do to with functions that return booleans rather than a bunch of events?
onLevelStart() // Called after level is loaded and is ready to go. onTick() // Called every frame // Here, zone could be any polygonal entity: loadout zones, nexus, goal zones, etc. onShipEnteredZone(ship, zone) onShipLeftZone(ship, zone) onFlagGrabbed(flag, ship) onFlagDropped(flag, dropper) onShipAboutToSpawn(ship) // Called just before player spawns onShipSpawned(ship) // Called just after player spawns onShipDamaged(ship, damager) onShipKilled(ship, killer) onShipFiring(ship, weapon, bullet) onShipUsingModule(ship, module) onPlayerAboutToJoinGame(ship) // Called just before player joins onPlayerJoinedGame(ship) // Called just after player joins onPlayerQuitGame(ship) onTurretKilled(turret, killer) onAllTurretsKilled(team) onForceFieldKilled(forcefield, killer) onAllForceFieldKilled(team) onTeamScored(team, score, scoringEvent, scoringShip) onIndividualScored(scoringShip, score, scoringEvent) onLeadingTeamChanged(team, previousLeadingTeam) onLeadingPlayerChanged(player, previousLeadingPlayer) onAsteroidSpawned(asteroid) onAsteroidShot(asteroid, shooter) onAsteroidDestroyed(asteroid, shooter) onHealthPackUsed(healthpack, ship) onHealthPackReplenished(healthpack) onTurretSelectedTarget(turret, target) onTurretFired(turret, target) // Game specific events: named on<Game>EventName onNexusOpen(nexus) onNexusClose(nexus) onNexusFlagCollected(flag, ship) onRabbitKilled(rabbit, killer) onRabbitGrabbedFlag(rabbit) onZoneControlZoneCaptured(zone, capturer) onZoneControlTouchDownScored(scoringShip) ( or onZonesReset() ) onHTFFlagReturnedToZone(flag, zone, returner) onHTFFlagRemovedFromZone(flag, zone, taker) onSoccerBallPossesionChanged(ball, possessingShip, previousPossesser) onSoccerGoalScored(ball, goal, scorer) onSoccerBallReset(ball) (when ball actually arrives back at starting position)
//Section by Unknown //Drawing functions drawSetColor(col) //col is a hex uint - 0xFFFF00 is yellow drawSetAlpha(amount) //amount is a value 0-1 drawMove(x,y) //moves the pen to the specified position drawLine(x,y) //draws a line from the pen's current position to the specified position drawRectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2) drawCircle(x,y,r) drawEllipse(x1,y1,x2,y2) //Functions that modify the game objects removeObject(object || marker) addObject(levelLine || (object, objectArgs)) translateObject(object || marker, x, y) rotateObject(object || marker, x, y, amount) flipObject(object || marker, vertically) //vertically is a boolean that determines which direction it is flipped in //Functions that modify the ship's properties Ship:setEnergy(ship,amount) Ship:getEnergy(ship) Ship:setHealth(ship,amount) Ship:getHealth(ship) Ship:setMaxSpeed(ship,maxSpeed) Ship:getMaxSpeed(ship) Ship:setMaxBoostSpeed(ship,maxSpeed) Ship:getMaxBoostSpeed(ship) Ship:setFriction(ship,amount) Ship:getFriction(ship) destroyShip(ship) //may not be necessary because setShipHealth(ship,0) could be used