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CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor



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Post Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:35 pm

CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

CTFGameType 15 6
LevelName Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF
LevelDescription cut, fold, glue
LevelCredits maths drive us crazy
GridSize 255
MinPlayers 0
MaxPlayers 0
Team Blue 0 0 1
Team Red 1 0 0
BarrierMaker 50 0 0  1.089 3.849  4.355 6.158  7.621 3.849  8.709 0  8.709 0  9.798 3.849  13.064 6.158  16.33 3.849  17.419 0  18.507 3.849  21.773 6.158  25.039 3.849  26.128 0  29.394 -2.309  26.128 -4.619  22.862 -2.309  21.773 1.54  20.685 -2.309  17.419 -4.619  14.153 -2.309  13.064 1.54  13.064 1.54  11.975 -2.309  8.709 -4.619  5.443 -2.309  4.355 1.54  3.266 -2.309  -0 0
BarrierMaker 50 13.064 5.958  13.064 6.158
BarrierMaker 50 17.419 -4.619  17.419 -4.419
BarrierMaker 25 1.089 3.849  1.906 3.271
BarrierMaker 25 20.957 2.117  19.324 3.271
BarrierMaker 25 19.869 -1.732  18.236 -0.578
BarrierMaker 25 3.538 2.118  4.355 1.54
BarrierMaker 25 12.248 2.117  10.615 3.271
BarrierMaker 25 11.159 -1.732  9.526 -0.578
BarrierMaker 25 25.312 -0.578  26.128 0
BarrierMaker 25 22.59 2.117  24.223 3.271
BarrierMaker 25 14.97 -1.732  16.603 -0.578
BarrierMaker 25 6.26 -1.732  7.893 -0.578
BarrierMaker 25 13.881 2.117  15.514 3.271
BarrierMaker 25 5.172 2.117  6.805 3.271
BarrierMaker 25 22.862 -2.309  23.678 -1.731
BarrierMaker 50 0 0  0.817 -0.578
BarrierMaker 50 2.449 -1.731  3.266 -2.309
LoadoutZone 0 25.312 -2.309  26.128 -1.732  26.945 -2.309  26.128 -2.886  25.312 -2.309
LoadoutZone -1 20.957 3.849  21.773 4.426  22.59 3.849  21.773 3.272  20.957 3.849
LoadoutZone -1 19.052 0.578001  19.324 1.54  20.141 0.963001  19.868 0.00100142  19.052 0.578001
LoadoutZone 1 1.633 0.576998  1.905 1.539  2.722 0.961998  2.449 -1.43051e-06  1.633 0.576998
LoadoutZone -1 7.893 -2.309  8.709 -1.732  9.526 -2.309  8.709 -2.886  7.893 -2.309
LoadoutZone -1 12.247 3.849  13.063 4.426  13.88 3.849  13.063 3.272  12.247 3.849
LoadoutZone -1 5.988 0.961999  6.804 1.539  7.077 0.576999  6.26 -4.76837e-07  5.988 0.961999
LoadoutZone -1 14.697 0.963  15.513 1.54  15.786 0.578  14.969 0.0010004  14.697 0.963
LoadoutZone -1 23.679 -4.76837e-07  24.496 0.576999  24.223 1.539  23.407 0.961999
LoadoutZone -1 17.419 -2.886  18.236 -2.309  17.419 -1.732  16.603 -2.309
LoadoutZone -1 10.343 0.578001  11.159 0.00100118  11.432 0.963001  10.615 1.54
LoadoutZone -1 3.539 3.849  4.355 3.272  5.172 3.849  4.355 4.426
SpeedZone 5.7 -1.8  5.3 -0.5  2000
SpeedZone 9.1 0  9.6 1.6  2000
SpeedZone 16.1 3.2  16.5 1.8  2000
SpeedZone 12.7 1.5  12.2 -0.1  2000
SpeedZone 17.8 0  18.2 1.3  2000
SpeedZone 21.4 1.4  21.1 0.4  2000
SpeedZone 14.4 -1.8  14 -0.4  2000
SpeedZone 7.3 3.5  7.8 1.9  2000
Teleporter 3.6 1.3  11 0.8
Teleporter 26.1 -0.8  17.2 -2.3
Teleporter 3.8 5.2  13.2 3.9
Teleporter 4.9 5.2  17.6 -2.3
Teleporter 25.4 0.8  10.7 0.7
Teleporter 25.2 -0.1  15.3 0.8
ForceFieldProjector -1 13.064 5.958  3
ForceFieldProjector -1 17.419 -4.419  3
Spawn 0 26.1 -3.2
Spawn 1 1.3 0.4
Spawn 0 26.1 -1.4
Spawn 1 4.3 4.8
Spawn 1 7.4 0.4
Spawn 0 5.6 1.1
Spawn 0 8.7 -3.3
Spawn 1 8.7 -1.4
Spawn 1 10 0.4
Spawn 0 11.8 1.1
Spawn 1 12.9 4.8
Spawn 0 13.2 2.9
Spawn 0 14.4 1.1
Spawn 1 16.1 0.4
Spawn 1 17.6 -1.4
Spawn 0 17.3 -3.3
Spawn 1 18.7 0.4
Spawn 0 20.5 1.1
Spawn 1 21.7 4.8
Spawn 0 21.8 2.9
Spawn 0 23.1 1.1
Spawn 1 2.5 -0.3
Spawn 1 3.1 1.1
Spawn 1 1.8 1.9
FlagItem 1 1.9 -0.6
ForceFieldProjector 1 1.91112 3.27824  3
Turret 1 2.47224 -1.62776  0
Turret 1 3.71862 -0.349132  0
Turret 1 0.630971 1.87001  0
Turret 1 0.8905 -0.509501  0
Spawn 0 27.3 -2.3
Spawn 0 24.9 -2.3
ForceFieldProjector 0 23.6743 -1.72577  3
Turret 0 24.5308 -3.36924  0
Turret 0 27.6816 -1.21843  0
Turret 0 28.5124 -2.81246  0
Turret 0 26.8724 -3.97241  0
FlagItem 0 27.4 -3.1
ForceFieldProjector -1 6.80509 3.27087  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 5.17437 2.11365  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 22.5883 2.11941  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 24.2152 3.28203  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 19.3261 3.27397  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 20.9678 2.13228  0
Turret -1 15.8032 -1.20322  0
Turret -1 19.0129 -1.18704  0
Turret -1 11.4447 2.7447  0
Turret -1 14.6673 2.73269  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 6.26331 -1.73669  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 7.89723 -0.583987  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 11.1538 -1.73937  0
ForceFieldProjector -1 9.51747 -0.590071  0
RepairItem 8.7 -4.2  20
RepairItem 20.4 -1.6  20
Spawn 0 24.8 0.5
Spawn 1 4.4 2.9
Mine 13.88 3.849
Mine 13.063 3.272
Mine 12.247 3.849
Mine 13.063 4.426
Mine 17.419 -1.732
Mine 18.236 -2.309
Mine 17.419 -2.886
Mine 16.603 -2.309
Turret -2 19.0833 -1.11674  8
Turret -2 15.7329 -1.13286  8
Turret -2 14.7377 2.66238  8
Turret -2 11.3744 2.67433  8


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Post Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:42 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

I can see a couple points that you could improve on. First, the level is very big. We don't have the community to support such large levels yet. Second, there's a lot of... Junk. Mines and stuff. Those are just annoying in team games, they rarely add anything.
Little_Apple wrote:DnD: the REAL bitfighter levelgen documentation

Santiago ZAP wrote:bob doesn't make new maps, he makes new gamemodes


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Post Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:33 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

I agree on the size, it was a bit big. The mines too. I was a bit over-enthusiastic, it being my first level and all. :]


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Post Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:51 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

raptor wrote:I agree on the size, it was a bit big. The mines too. I was a bit over-enthusiastic, it being my first level and all. :]

It was miles ahead of most "first level"s.


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Post Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:12 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

Also just curious: how does this community handle updates to maps? Are updates accepted or frowned upon? Is versioning kept?


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Post Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:52 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

No one really cares one way or the other. Most people seem to move on, although a lot of maps have been updated as features have been added to bitfighter. I think the old school zap! maps might benefit from a few bitfighter-era upgrades, but I've left my archive copies alone for posterity. I created my original Bomberman nexus level as a contest entry, then went back and modified a new Bomberman 2.0 once I got a handle on randomizing things with levelgens.

In the end, do what you want. Everyone keeps their own personal collections anyway, so your individual choices aren't necessarily inflicted on anyone else.


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Post Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:16 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

Raptor I think I broke your map o___o

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Post Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:45 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

Oh my goodness... this was my first map!

Also, it looks like you took a sideways Fourier transformation of my map...


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Post Sun Oct 12, 2014 8:10 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

I honestly never saw the original version. I've had that broken one for years and just assumed you were into the whole edgy mapmaking style. Now seeing the actual version is pretty crazy.
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Post Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:18 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

bobdaduck and I are laughing our butts off at this. "I've had that broken one for years and just assumed you were into the whole edgy mapmaking style." You can't make that up. That map sure is edgy.
Exploits of Quartz and bobdaduck - Pleiades Maps
19-year-old Quartz mad about lawn removal
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer


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Post Thu Apr 28, 2016 10:25 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

sky_lark wrote:I honestly never saw the original version. I've had that broken one for years and just assumed you were into the whole edgy mapmaking style. Now seeing the actual version is pretty crazy.

Loaded up sky's version. Awesome.

bobdaduck: This map is so edgy.
bobdaduck: I think
Quartz: Edgemaster 5000
Quartz: Rename it that
bobdaduck: I need to make an edgy map to compete against it.

LevelFormat 2
GameType 10 8
LevelName "edgemaster 5000"
LevelDescription "Live-action reproduction of bobdaduck's first map"
LevelCredits bobdaduck
Team Blue 0 0 1
BarrierMaker 50 -3825 -3187.5 -3442.5 -2677.5 -3187.5 -3187.5
BarrierMaker 50 -3809.550049 -3212.5 -3442.5 -3697.5 -3187.5 -3187.5
BarrierMaker 50 -3187.5 -3187.5 -3825 -3187.5 -4080 -3697.5 -2932.5 -3697.5 -3187.5 -3187.5
Teleporter -3213 -3493.5 -3468 -3366
Teleporter -3340.5 -3417 -3060 -3595.5
Teleporter -3468 -3264 -3417 -2779.5
Teleporter -3493.5 -3034.5 -3468 -3366
Teleporter -3723 -3442.5 -3468 -3366
Teleporter -3595.5 -3417 -3978 -3646.5
Spawn 0 -3060 -3595.5
Spawn 0 -3927 -3595.5
Spawn 0 -3442.5 -2805
Little_Apple wrote:DnD: the REAL bitfighter levelgen documentation

Santiago ZAP wrote:bob doesn't make new maps, he makes new gamemodes


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Post Fri Apr 29, 2016 12:56 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

LevelFormat 2
GameType 10 8
LevelName "One Way Ticket to Edgetown"
LevelDescription "Live-action reproduction of Quartz' first map"
LevelCredits Quartz
Team Blue 0 0 1
BarrierMaker 50 1020 127.5 1020 -255 1530 -255 1530 127.5 1275 127.5 1275 510 510 510 510 765 -510 765 -510 255 -382.5 255 -382.5 637.5 382.5 637.5 382.5 382.5 1147.5 382.5 1147.5 127.5 1020 127.5
BarrierMaker 50 0 -765 0 0 765 0 765 -765 0 -765
BarrierMaker 50 382.5 -892.5 382.5 -1912.5
BarrierMaker 50 -127.5 -382.5 -1402.5 -382.5
BarrierMaker 50 382.5 127.5 382.5 255
BarrierMaker 50 892.5 -382.5 1657.5 -382.5
BarrierMaker 50 382.5 892.5 382.5 1020
Spawn 0 1122 -153
Spawn 0 1428 25.5
Spawn 0 1428 -153
Spawn 0 1122 25.5
Spawn 0 459 459
Spawn 0 1224 459
Spawn 0 0 714
Teleporter -433.5 331.5 382.5 -382.5

Exploits of Quartz and bobdaduck - Pleiades Maps
19-year-old Quartz mad about lawn removal
raptor wrote:sometimes I think getting Quartz to use plugins is like getting my mom to use a computer


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Post Fri Apr 29, 2016 1:05 pm

Re: CTF - Rhombic Dodecahedron CTF - raptor

Do you even edge, bro?
Little_Apple wrote:DnD: the REAL bitfighter levelgen documentation

Santiago ZAP wrote:bob doesn't make new maps, he makes new gamemodes

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