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<table style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">
<tr style="border:2px solid #00ff00;" align=center><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Weapon</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Description</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Destruction</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Energy Used</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Min Energy</td></tr>
<tr style="border:2px solid #00ff00;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=10%>Weapon</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" width=50% colspan=4>Description</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>Destruction</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>Energy Used</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=13% >Min Energy</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"></tr>
<tr><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Phaser</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Simple, rapid fire, straight shot weapon</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">5 - 10%</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">1%(?)</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">None</td></tr>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=10%>Phaser</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" width=50% colspan=4>Simple rapid fire, straight shot weapon</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" width=13%  colspan=4>5 - 10%</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>1%(?)</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%  width=13%  >None</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"></tr>
<tr><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Bouncer</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Like the phaser, except more energy usage, and it bounces off walls.  Powerful, but potentially dangerous to the shooter.</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">5 - 10%</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">5- 10%(?)</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">None</td></tr>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=10%  >Bouncer</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" width=50%  colspan=4>Like the phaser, except more energy usage, and it bounces</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>5 - 10%</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>5- 10%(?)</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%  width=13% >None</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"></tr>
<tr><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Triple</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Similar to phaser, but fires a fan of three projectiles at about a 5-10 degree span</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">5 - 10% (per projectile)</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">10- 20%(?)</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">None</td></tr>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=10%>Tripple</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" width=50% colspan=4>Exactly the same as a phaser, aside from the fact that is fires three at a time, and all three shots arch out at slightly different angles (about a 5-10 degree difference)</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>5 - 10% (per projectile)</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>10- 20%(?)</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>None</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"></tr>
<tr><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Burst</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Grenade-like projectile that automatically detonates in 3 seconds, causing area damage effects. Bounces off of walls and other items.</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">50%</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">50%(?)</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">50-70%(?)</td></tr>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=10%>Burst</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" width=50% colspan=4>Similar to a bounce, and a mine, explodes on contact with a ship, or a projectile (or it automatically detonates in 3 seconds). Also bounces off of walls, unlike most projectiles, it's speed rapidly decreases.</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>50%</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>50%(?)</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>50-70%(?)</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"></tr>
<tr><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Mine</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">A simple stationary weapon, becomes active when the creator leaves its range. Detonates when it comes in contact with a ship or projectile. Easy to see for the creator and teammates, hard to see for anyone else.</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">50%</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">50%</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">75%</td></tr>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=10%>Mine</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" width=50% colspan=4>A simple stationary weapon. becomes active when the creator leaves its range. Detonates (only if active) when it comes in contact with a ship or projectile. Easy to see for the creator, hard to see for anyone else</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>50%</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>50%</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=13% >75%</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"></tr>
<tr><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Spy Bug</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">Can only be used/created if the Sensor module is selected. Makes surrounding areas of the commander's map visible to player and teammates.</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">None</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">50%</td><td style="color:#FF9900; border:1px solid #af5858;">50-70%(?)</td></tr>
<tr><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=10%>Spy Bot</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" width=50% colspan=4>Can only be used/created if the sensor boots module is selected, when the action key for sensor boost is pressed, the projectile functions as an extension of the map. Short range, and stationary.</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>None</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13%>50%</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"><td style="border:1px solid #af5858;" colspan=4 width=13% width=13% >50-70%(?)</td style="border:1px solid #af5858;"></tr>
(chart by Flynn)
(chart by Flynn)

Revision as of 18:02, 8 June 2009

Each ship can be configured with 2 modules and 3 weapons. The loadout select menuallows the player to choose a new ship loadout configuration. This configuration will not become available until the player flies over a loadout zone.


Modules are special powers that can be activated by pressing the appropriate module activation key. The modules are:

  • Boost: Lets the ship travel faster
  • Shield: Creates a shield around the ship that reflects shots
  • Repair: Repairs self, teammates, and other team objects that are damaged
  • Sensor: Lets the player see further, makes enemy mines more visible, and lets player see projectiles on the commander's map. Players with this module can build spy bugs.
  • Cloak: Turns the ship invisible


  • Phaser: Simple shoot-em-up weapon. Uses little energy, does little damage.
  • Bouncer: This weapon is like the phaser, but takes up more energy, but bounces off walls.
  • Triple Fire: Takes up lots of your energy, and fires 3 shots at a time.
  • Burster: Unlike other weapons, you can hit it, and gives an area of effect.
  • Mine: Explodes when a weapon/ship hits it. (after the creator of the mine has left the mine's range)
  • Spy Bug: Spy bugs are only available if you have chosen the sensor module.

WeaponDescriptionDestructionEnergy UsedMin Energy
PhaserSimple, rapid fire, straight shot weapon5 - 10%1%(?)None
BouncerLike the phaser, except more energy usage, and it bounces off walls. Powerful, but potentially dangerous to the shooter.5 - 10%5- 10%(?)None
TripleSimilar to phaser, but fires a fan of three projectiles at about a 5-10 degree span5 - 10% (per projectile)10- 20%(?)None
BurstGrenade-like projectile that automatically detonates in 3 seconds, causing area damage effects. Bounces off of walls and other items.50%50%(?)50-70%(?)
MineA simple stationary weapon, becomes active when the creator leaves its range. Detonates when it comes in contact with a ship or projectile. Easy to see for the creator and teammates, hard to see for anyone else.50%50%75%
Spy BugCan only be used/created if the Sensor module is selected. Makes surrounding areas of the commander's map visible to player and teammates.None50%50-70%(?)

(chart by Flynn)